Running a Report

Karishma Updated by Karishma

After selecting the Report which you wish to run, you will be taken to the following page:

There are two available options in the left-hand pane:

  • Close - this option closes the Report and takes you back to the Reports page

  • Report preferences - this option allows you to specify the Profile and Tasks for this Report. See Reports tasks and Report Profiles for more details

In the main page, the Report that you are in the process of running will be displayed at the top, in the example above it is Absence Hours.

Reports employee selection

After selecting a Report, it is possible to choose which employee or employees you wish to view reports for. This is done by selecting the blue text underneath the Reports employee selection heading (see Reports employee selection for more details).

Report Parameters

Before running the desired Report, it is necessary to select the desired Group, or Employee, and set the parameters that you wish to see statistics for.

By default, the report will use the ‘Extended selection’ from the current group selection as the report employee selection.  The application group selection is not available within the Reports section and you will need to exit it to edit this.

It is possible to change which Groups are available if the PreferenceUse extended selection has been set in the Selection options.

Supervisor can use a customised range of Employees in the Group function, including selecting individual Employees, by clicking on the extended Group drop-down list. 

After selecting the Group or Employee, it is necessary to set the desired parameters for the Report to run.

In order to do this, select a date range by left-clicking in the Start date field. This will present you with a date picker calendar (shown below, however, as this is browser based, it may appear differently on your system) which you can use to select the year, month, and day that you wish the Report to start from. The same process can be followed for selecting the End date.

Alternatively, if you only wish to change the date range by a small number of days, you can use the two grey arrows to the right-hand side of the date entry fields (highlighted above). The up arrow will move the date forward one day and the down arrow will move the date back one day.

 Run report – added in version


Clicking on the Run report options will allow you to export the Report with your chosen parameters. You have several options to display your Report:


CSV – this will export the Report as a .csv file·         

Excel – this will download the Report as an Excel spreadsheet·         

Grid – this will display the report within T&A 8·         

PDF – this will download the report as a PDF·         

Text – this will download the report as a .txt file·         

Export – this will download the report using the options set in Win T&A (see below)



Using the Export option will output the Report and match the Export options from the report definition. These reports inherit the Column separator, String delimiter, Date delimiter, Fixed width fields and include headings preferences from the below options:

It does not inherit the file name, or save location. Similarly, the file is always saved as a .txt file.

 Note: if Excel format(.XLS) is ticked, T&A 8 will display a warning saying that the Export Report options need to have this box unticked. You can simply use the Excel button instead of changing the report:

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Reports employee selection
