
Visitor booking

Karishma Updated by Karishma


The T&A Visitor booking feature allows you to book in and monitor your visitors. T&A Visitor booking works in conjunction with the T&A Visitor badge kiosk application and visitor bookings are sent to the Visitor badge kiosk. When a visitor arrives they simply enter their name and if a matching booking is found, an email is sent to you notifying you that your visitor has arrived. A badge can then be issued for the visitor.

Add new visitor

To make a new visitor booking, click Add new visitor in the left-hand navigation pane:

The Add new visitor page opens. The following shows the top part of the page with fields to complete about your visitor:

You must enter First names and a Surname for the visitor; the TitleSexCompany and Car registration fields are optional.

The bottom part of the page contains fields for the badge you will issue for your visitor:

You must select a Badge typeBadge types are defined in the Visitor badge kiosk application by your system administrator or a Supervisor with appropriate access permissions.

The Access group field is optional. Access groups are used to restrict which terminals and doors an Employee or visitor can use. They are defined in T&A by your system administrator.

The Arrival date field is pre-populated with the current date but it can be changed.

The Expiry date is a mandatory field.

The Mobile numberEmail address and Notes fields are optional.

When you have finished, click  Submit  to save your booking and return to the Visitor booking page. The new booking is added to the list of bookings in the relevant month.

Alternatively, click Cancel to discard the booking and return to the Visitor bookings page.

Making a booking

The T&A Visitor booking feature allows you to book in and monitor your visitors. If the Visitor booking feature has been enabled for you, you can access it by selecting Visitor booking from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

The Visitor booking page opens displaying a list of any visitor bookings you have made for the current month. For example:

To view any bookings you have made in a different month, click on the navigational arrows in the top-right corner of the page:

The left arrow takes you to the previous month and the right arrow takes you to the next month.

To modify the details for a booking, delete a visitor, issue or return a badge for your visitor, click on the visitor's name under First Names or Surname.

Actions available from the left-hand navigation pane are:

  • Close - return to the dashboard.
  • Add new visitor — to record the details for a new visitor booking.
  • Search for visitor — to find existing visitor bookings.

If you have not made any Visitor bookings for the current month, 'nothing to display' is displayed instead:

Modify a visitor booking

If you have recorded any visitor bookings in T&A, you can modify the booking details. First navigate to the Visitor booking page and locate the booking you wish to modify. Then click on the First name or Surname to open the Modify visitor booking page. For example:

The details for the booking are displayed with all fields in edit mode. When you have finished, click  Submit  to save your changes and return to the updated Visitor booking page.

Additional actions are available from the left-hand navigation pane:

  • Close — return to the visitor booking page
  • Issue visitor badge — to issue a badge for a specific visitor booking
  • Delete visitor — to delete a visitor booking from T&A.

Note: Return visitor badge will replace Issue visitor badge and Delete visitor badge as an additional action if the visitor has already been issued a badge.

Delete a visitor booking

The Visitor booking feature allows you to delete bookings which you no longer require. First navigate to the Visitor booking page and locate the relevant visitor booking. Click on the First name or Surname of the booking to open the Modify existing visitor booking page.

Click the Delete booking action in the left-hand navigation pane. A Delete visitor page opens. For example:

Click  Delete  to permanently remove the booking from T&A and return to the updated Visitor booking page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the deletion and return to the Modify existing visitor booking page.

Note: You cannot delete a visitor booking with a badge issued as there will be no action available. You need to return the visitor badge before you can delete the booking.

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Visitor booking search
