

Karishma Updated by Karishma


The Calendars feature is used to display different types of data in a calendar format for a defined period of time.

You can access the Calendars feature from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

Your Calendars for a default period of time will be displayed, with the top calendar being displayed by default. For example:

The Calendars available to you will be created by your Supervisor and are available to select in the left-hand pane. In the above example, a calendar has been created called 'Clockings' to include the Data Types: Clockings, Processed daysAbsence and Worked hours.

NoteSupervisors accessing group calendars will also see the employee ID and name for identification purposes. The example below shows this with multiple employees' clockings.

The default view for the previous calendar was a week. Each weekday is displayed as a column on the screen and the rows are in periods of 60 minutes. Days with a light-yellow background are processed days and those with a white background are non-processed days. Different types of absences are marked by their Absence codes, for example 'L' for lateness. Worked hours are also marked by their Worked hour code, for example 'BH' for basic hours. Both codes are displayed as coloured blocks in the top header row in the relevant days. Finally, Clockings are displayed as coloured blocks in the relevant days, with blue blocks for 'TAS', red blocks for 'Out' and green blocks for 'In', positioned in the row to represent the time of clocking.

Note: your system administrator defines the colour key of the CalendarsAbsence codes and Worked hour codes and so yours may be different from those displayed here.

If you wish to find out further information about the Data types for a single day or over a certain date range, you can click and highlight the days and more details will appear in the right-hand pane.

If different layout options are available for your selected calendar, you are able to change the layout and what is displayed in the calendar using the options in the left-hand pane.

Note: your Supervisor defines what calendars will be available to you and the Data types they contain, so your Calendars may be different from those displayed here.

If no calendars have been created by your Supervisor or you do not have access to any calendars, the following message will display:

Click Close in the left-hand navigation pane to return to the Dashboard.

Calendar details

Click on a day in a calendar to select it. You may also select a block of days by clicking on the first day and dragging the cursor to the end day. The selection will be highlighted with a light blue background and further details of what is happening in the date range are displayed in the right-hand Details pane. Below is an example of a day being highlighted in the 'Clockings' calendar:

  • Book absence — you are able to book an absence for the day(s) selected as the Absence Data type is included in the calendar. Clicking this will take you to the Book absence page. Note: if your calendar included the Availability Data type, additional actions are available to add, delete and copy an availability after the cut-off day.
  • Date range — displays the date range of what has been selected
  • Details — further details of  the selected day(s) in date order
    • Processed day — a blank details box to indicate that the day has been processed into a Work record
    • Worked — displays the work code, the date and how many hours worked in a colour coded box
    • Clocking — displays the record of time for an event in the working day. The clocking boxes are colour coded to match the clocking type: green for 'In', red for 'out' and blue for a 'TAS' clocking.
      • View — clicking view takes you to the View a clocking page.
Note: different Data types will display different details in the right-hand pane

If nothing has been selected from a calendar, 'Nothing to display' is shown in the right-hand pane when the  ...  is clicked in the top-right corner. For example:

Click Close in the left-hand navigation pane to return to the Dashboard.

Calendar data types:

The Calendars feature is used to view calendars created by your Supervisor that display different types of data. The following are examples of Data types that can be displayed in a calendar:

  • Absence — types of absences which are marked by their Absence codes, for example 'H' for Holiday. In addition to this, an action is available to book an absence for the highlighted date range.
  • Availability — your availability for work each day. In addition to this, an action to add, delete and copy Availability after the cut-off day will be available in the right-hand pane.
  • Clockings — a record of the time when you made a T&A or a TAS clocking.
  • Employee rules — highlights the days when an Employee has violated an individual rule set up by your system administrator.
  • Group absence — same functionality as Absence but shows the taken and planned absences for your Group.
  • Hours bands — a period of work or absence with a specific hours code
  • Jobs — a job department or role assigned by your Supervisor
  • Leave slots — if enabled, it displays leave slots which only allow a certain amount of employees from a specific Group to be absent at a set period of time.
  • Messages — view and respond to messages sent to you by your Supervisor from within T&A.
  • Notes — notes that have been added by your Supervisor for a specific date
  • Out of scope — the days backgrounds will be highlighted dark grey when the Employee is not working for the company (not started yet or has left) or highlighted light grey if the Employee works for the company, but not in one of the selected departments or groups
  • Processed day — highlights the days which have already been processed into a work record
  • Requests — changes made in T&A which need to be authorised by your Supervisor.
  • Roster — displays details about the Employees Roster on a Rostered day. Additional actions are available to a Supervisor with access.
  • Rostered day — highlights the days that you are scheduled to work
  • Shift — displays the planned Shifts for an Employee. Additional actions are available to a Supervisor with access.
  • Work records — a record of an Employee's worked and absence hours for a single day.
  • Worked hours — types of hours you have worked which are marked by their Worked hour codes, for example 'BH' for Basic hours

In addition to the Data types displaying in a calendar, some have further actions available in their colour coded box in the right-hand Details pane when highlighted. For example:

The following is a list of further actions available and what Data Type they appear in:

  • Delete
    • Availability — deletes an Availability after the cut-off day
    • Absence — deletes an Absence that has been planned in the future, for example a holiday
  • View 
    • Requests — opens the details page of the Request.
    • Clockings — opens the View a clocking page of the clocking.
    • Absences — opens the Work record where the Absence occurs.
    • Messages — opens the Employee message page for the message.
  • Request shift change, shift cover request and shift cover offer
    • Work record — you can request a shift change, request a shift to be covered and offer to cover another Employees shift.
Note: the 'Shift cover' preference has to be enabled for you by your system administrator for it to appear as an action.

Calendar totals

Your system administrator can create a custom calendar to display certain totals in the grid or timeline layout. This is dependent on what data type has been set up to be displayed. The following data types need to be used to display calendar totals:

Shift data type totals

A custom calendar using this data type will have totals based on Shift standard hours:

  • Planned work — the sum of the standard hours for planned shifts

  • Planned work days — the sum of the days that contain a planned shift

  • Planned absence days — the sum of the days that contain a planned absence

Note: available on calendars with an absence data type

  • Planned absence — the sum of absence hours during a planned shift

Note: available on calendars with shift and absence data types

  • Planned attendance (%) — the percentage of work days with no planned absences

Note: available on calendars with shift and absence data types

Work record data type totals

A custom calendar displaying a Work record data type allows you to view costing totals using Work records:

  • Actual absence — the sum of absence hours in actual work records i.e. work records that have been processed

  • Actual pay — the monetary amount an employee is paid

  • Actual work —the sum of the worked hours in actual work records i.e. work records that have been processed

  • Planned break budget — the sum of any break hours in planned work records that contain standard hours

  • Planned pay — the monetary amount an Employee is planned to be paid

  • Planned work — the sum of the worked hours in planned work records

  • Planned work days — the sum of days on which a planned work record starts

  • Planned absence days — the sum of the days that contain a planned absence

  • Planned absence — the sum of absence hours in planned work records

  • Planned attendance (%) — the percentage of time that an Employee is not absent on a planned work day
Note: if you have access, your pay is defined in the Pay details section in your Employee panels.

Below is an example of a custom calendar (called Work planner) with a Work record data type displaying the totals for an Employee:

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Calendar option
