T&A 8 General Release Report

Leon Updated by Leon

We are pleased to announce the latest general release of Advanced Time and Attendance 8: Version!

Below is a list of all features and bug fixes for this General release since the last General release (version More information can be found by contacting our Customer Support team.

For instructions on how to upgrade your installation of Time and Attendance 8, please take a look at our Upgrade guide by clicking here.


Jira ID (TA) / DevOps ID (Z)


Change Notes

Small Enhancement

TA-1419 & TA-2476

 Auto Rostering to inherit licensing info from T&A

T&A licence info provisioned through People Connect via API to Auto Rostering

Small Enhancement

TA-7793 & TA-7803

Additional Absence Code details for Auto Rostering integration

T&A API endpoint implemented to GET absence hours codes elements [Name (Code), Description and Display Colour] and provisioned into Auto Rostering

Small Enhancement


Display Auto Rostering Installation ID in T&A web

"Installation ID for Advanced Auto Rostering" added to Licensing screen

Issue Resolution


Auto Rostering integration - Error when syncing shift definition update

Now ensures group property is set and a successful sync to Auto Rostering results

Issue Resolution

TA-7413 / Z:147263

Employee HR request emails sometimes go to the wrong site HR email address

Preference cache was not being switched to the employees site before accessing the site preference for HR Email address. Now checks the site of the cached preference and refreshes if required.

Issue Resolution

TA-7574 / Z:156671

Scheduled Messages not working & 500 internal server error if “exclude leavers from recipients” and just a single supervisor connected to the leaver is selected

Error 500 when trying to send scheduled message to supervisor linked to leaver is now handled with a warning

Issue Resolution

TA-7599 / Z:157050

HBTASC[TAS0,XID-1] expression not evaluated on Web where as it is on Windows

Recalculating in Web now matches functionality in Windows

Issue Resolution

TA-7629 / Z:158071

Adding Additional Payments on the Web does not behave the same as Windows

All data types are now auto populating relevant TAS fields in Web T&A to match Windows behaviour

Issue Resolution

TA-7639 / Z:159380

If a user gets a failed message on web should then set request as failed

Ensured the update to the request is set when the status is determined to be failed

Issue Resolution

TA-7668 / Z:156832

XML and PDF payslips show dates in different formats

Date format in payslip viewed in web now matches dates in downloadable pdf version

Issue Resolution


Correct checking of indexes against base package to allow additional without forcing rebuild

Previous check for indexes required exact match only. New check allows for additional indexes to be defined without reporting as an issue. Rebuilding tables also does not remove these added indexes.

Issue Resolution

TA-7850 / Z:153944

Holiday entitlement allowing overtaking days

Entitlement now checked with the planned absence before the request can be accepted

Issue Resolution

TA-7874 / Z:164946

Group Selection - Selection option groups incorrectly limited by views assigned

Now loads the lookup used for the views after the Security list has been loaded (which causes the view lookup to be loaded correctly)

Issue Resolution

TA-7876 / Z:164983

3 days of absences on days with 2 shifts showing as 1 day in Web instead of 3 days

Improved the checking for multiple half days so the counter resets after the date changes

Issue Resolution


Error in browser console relating to Product Hub SVG icon

Error caused by invalid characters at the end of the path that the browser developer tools was picking up on. These characters have been removed.

Issue Resolution


POST request to ClientInfo fails. 403 error in F12 Developer browser tools, Network tab


Issue Resolution


Dashboard Maintenance - cannot add or reorder widgets


Issue Resolution


Work record view state to not kept when reopened

POST request is no longer failing when editing work record in clock card

Issue Resolution


MIME Type of dashboard-background.css is Text/HTML instead of Text/CSS when the css file does not exist error in F12 Developer browser tools when no background image defined

Now it only includes the link to the css file where it exists

Issue Resolution


Web developer tool warning: Permissions-Policy unrecognized feature vibrate

Header item for vibrate removed from the permission policy in web.config

Issue Resolution


Build issue - References to mpxj.dll, junit.dll and poi-3.6-20091214.dll causing alot of reflection errors to be stored in Elmah

References removed prevents these errors from occurring and make the start-up of the application quicker and cleaner

Issue Resolution


Invisible characters are added to employee fields when edited through job details

Data added from the extlist including carriage return and linefeed invisible characters. These are now removed from the end of the string provided.

Small Enhancement


T&A Website installer rebranded to Advanced

Mitrefinch references and imagery replaced

Small Enhancement


T&A Windows application installer rebranded to Advanced

Mitrefinch references and imagery replaced

Small Enhancement


T&A IT Pre-requisite Tool and UpgradeWizard installs rebranded to Advanced

Mitrefinch references and imagery replaced

Small Enhancement


Support website link reinstated on Help screen loaded from login screen

Link to advisory page https://www.mitrefinch-support.com added

Small Enhancement


Microsoft Internet Explorer references removed from 'Browser support' section of Accessibility Statement

Internet Explorer is no longer a supported browser by Microsoft and therefore Advanced too

Small Enhancement


timeoutRedirect cookie does not contain the “HTTPOnly” attribute and the “secure” attribute

Apply secure and HTTPOnly flags to timeoutRedirect cookie when this is configured in web.config

Defect Resolution

TA-8005 / S:23168388

"Error in sort 1 - Unknown identifier - Employee" error when running a report for an employee range without an employee sort set

Now sets the field for the sort when range is used and no other sort order is defined

Issue Resolution


Themes - ‘Dustbin’ icon difficult to see in black theme in applicable screens e.g. Dashboard Maintenance and Maintain on-site list screens

Themes - Fade on icon adjusted so that ‘Dustbin’ is clearer

Issue Resolution


Themes - Diary screen - In black theme Filter checkboxes unreadable as labels in black font on black background

Black theme and custom theme issue fixed

Issue Resolution


Windows - Maintain System Preferences - Licence warning preference not shown

Layout of form definition resolved

Issue Resolution


On screens where the Toggle Details Pane button is visible it overlaps with the Help button e.g. Dashboard maintenance


Issue Resolution


Dashboard - The header bar wraps onto two lines at certain small screen sizes


Small Enhancement

TA-8183 / S:23244413

Recalculate selected employees processor job crashes

Processor job now checks existence of all tables when passing in the list of tables to use

Defect Resolution

TA-7961 / S:23148734

Possible vulnerabilities due to use of jQuery version 1.9.0

jQuery updated to version 3.6.4

Defect Resolution

TA-8155 / S:23224521

Supervisor, without access to the 'Modify standard hours' Clock card right, ticks/unticks 'Checked' box on Work record, the standard hours change to 0:00

Standard hours being reset to 0:00 resolved by this action resolved

Defect Resolution

TA-8034 / S:23178146

Point in Time Report ESTABLISHM returning incorrect results in Web application

Web changed to use the same logic as Windows for PIT reports

Defect Resolution

TA-8067 / S:23182524

Modifying Emergency contacts caused four delete requests for the ‘Entitlement’ panel to be raised

The employee profile had access to 2 entitlements and no access to the other 4. When comparing the records when saving, it looks to the software as though the 4 they don’t have access to have been removed, so submits delete requests. Same root cause as TA-7944. Comparison reclist now has the hidden items removed.

Defect Resolution

TA-7944 / Z:126698

Changing employee details on web when the supervisor does not have access to an entitlement zeros the entitlement

Same root cause as TA-8067. Comparison reclist now has the hidden items removed

Small Enhancement

TA-633 / Z:148911

Users cannot create diary entries for 'Non-employed' (employees marked with a CE.STAUS1 of 'N') employees. When run the 'Create automatic diary entries' job on the Processor these employees are skipped.

Diary entries can apply to employees, vacancies or be general reminders (not related to a specific employee).

The change allows the automatic creation of diary entries for actual employees, non-employees and future starters. If customers want to retain their current behaviour, they can add ce.status1<>'N' to their selection for the diary definition.

Small Enhancement

TA-8269 / S:23270771

Kiosk mode : New jobs don't appear automatically on the kiosk without synchronisation

Sync button now shows in kiosk mode when logged in as employee, and syncs as if it were the supervisor doing the synchronisation

Small Enhancement

TA-8334 & TA-8347

Potential vulnerability in input validation for Language maintenance import & modify phrases feature

Ensure XSS vulnerability is not introduced by importing or modifying phrases

Defect Resolution


HTTP 500 Internal Server Error if large number specified for dashboard columns

Column value for tabs in dashboard maintenance can no longer be modified through browser dev tools. 400 error also added if number of columns is not in lookup.

Defect Resolution

TA-7880 / Z:40671

User with Self access which is not set as 'Can edit' cannot access their own diary.

Behaviour changed:

Now allows user to access their diary without requiring edit access to their linked employee.

If a user only has access to diary for one supervisor, then don’t prompt for the diary to view.

If a user has access to more than one diary, then if the employee they currently have selected is flagged as a manager that they have access to the diary of, show the diary for that manager, otherwise prompt for the diary to show.

Defect Resolution


Logged into mobile as an employee online functions returns 500 error



TA-8259 / S:23266725

500 Error when deleting an absence record where the code contains an ampersand (&). Clicking View also causes the same error.

Absences can now be actioned successfully when the Absence code contains an ampersand.


TA-8362 / S:23318345

T&A emails via turbo-smtp to gmail and googlemail accounts are being rejected by Google's servers with the below message.

Reviewing RFC 5322 indicates that 'If the originator of the message can be indicated by a single mailbox and the author and transmitter are identical, the "Sender:" field SHOULD NOT be used. Otherwise, both fields SHOULD appear.'

Resolved by commenting out a line that explicitly sets the sender in the stsmtpemail.pas unit. The SMTP server sets it’s own sender address without us needing to do it in the initial message we submit.


TA-8413 / S:23351276

Web work record details screen sections not respecting last state. When editing a work record in web, the various sections (Shift Details, Worked Hours, Absence Hours, etc.) do not respect the previous expanded state.

Expanded details are now stored after refreshing page or leaving edit clock card section.


TA-1213 / Z:126645

Modifying future starter in TMSWeb after explicitly setting the change date causes history to be written before their start date.

For a new employee it takes the start date as the date of change if the Point in Time date is set before it. For restarters it takes the first start date of the employee if the employee already has a past history. Display panel subtitle now shows the date of the point in time date being used.



System preference requested.

Added preference to disable timed passwords in Windows



The Default employee profile can be deleted which then causes issues with new starters.

Preference for the default employee profile is now checked, and profile cannot be deleted if it is the default employee profile.



Changes to T&A Payroll package links to support the new SSP Diary record structure, which was released in Payroll v2.60.

Allows the T&A package links to correctly initialise the diary records for new employees when using the new Payroll feature.

Small Enhancement



400 Bad request error was being randomly generated, when booking absences.

A check has been added to ensure referrer-policy is set correctly.

If the HTTP response header is configured incorrectly, then an error is logged in the Elmah file and references referrer-policy.



Fields in Employee Details could not be set back to blank.

Users will be able to remove field values, in the Employee Details screen and save the record with blank values.



Logging into web app, as an employee, shows last login information twice.

Employee last login information is correctly displayed in the web app.



Supervisor login preferences are not being obtained from the correct User profile.

Login preferences will be obtained from the correct User profile for Supervisors.



System allows unrestricted file uploads

File upload restrictions are introduced to make the application more secure.

Three new settings are available to control the restrictions in the <configuration><appSettings> section of Web.config file (located in the web application root directory):

  • UploadFileSizeLimit
    • File size limit in bytes – user request to upload a file larger than this within T&A Web will be blocked.
    • Default value: 10000000 (10MB)
  • .WhiteListExtensions
    • White list of allowed file extensions – user request to upload a file with an extension not on this list will be blocked.
    • Default value: txt,doc,docx,pdf,xls,xlsx,rtf,gif,csv,jpeg,jpg,png,pps,ppt,pptx,ods,odt,wpd (Common document and image extensions)
    • You can use * to allow all file types
  • WhiteListMimeTypes
    • MIME types restriction – if web browser sends user request to upload file using MIME type not on this list then it will be blocked. Note: MIME types used by web browsers can differ depending on client configuration.
    • Default value: text/plain,application/pdf,application/rtf,image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png,text/csv,application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,application/vnd.ms-excel,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet,application/vnd.ms-powerpoint,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text,application/vnd.wordperfect
    • You can use * to allow all file types

For upgrades, these new settings should be copied in as directed in the Upgrade Guide (or by copying from example Web.config file supplied in the release), and configured as required.

If the new settings are not copied into Web.config (or are otherwise not present), then default values will be used as listed above.



Cannot access Drop down menus in work record of clock card, while using the mobile app.

When using the Clock card in the Mobile app, sub-menus in the work record will now be accessible.



Running setup batch file for web T&A installation throws error.

Running the setup batch file for the Web app, will successfully install the web files.



Vulnerability issue - runtime error page is displayed when hitting specific URLs

Correctly display custom error page (400) when an invalid character is detected in HTTP request path.



Timesheet Bands-Day dropdown arrow doesn't function correctly

Removed the href="#", with this change the menu works fine



Drop down arrow in profile maintenance section of dashboard maintenance not working correctly

Removed the href="#", with this change the menu works fine



Cloud Kiosk application not working after installation was successful.

Added exception parameter to catch to prevent JavaScript error



HTTP Header Configuration Weakness

Permissions policy has been added in web.config file

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T&A 8 Controlled Release Report

T&A 8 Controlled Release Report
