
Configuring T&A for use with Microsoft Exchange Online

Alpa Jagpal Updated by Alpa Jagpal

Administrators will need to configure T&A to send emails through Microsoft Exchange Online. This is done in T&A Windows; System > Maintain system preferences > Email by selecting EXCH -- Exchange Online as the Email component. The Connection tab contains fields that need to be populated with values from the customers Azure environment.

The API Endpoints tab contains fields that are automatically populated. Several of these fields contain placeholder values e.g. /{TenantId}/ and they should not be changed under normal circumstances.

The steps below are required in order to have T&A work with Microsoft Exchange Online. They should be completed after T&A has been successfully installed.

Create new app registration
  • Log on to Azure Portal for the tenant holding Exchange Online system to integrate with.
  • Click Microsoft Entra ID
  • Click App registrations
  • Click + New registration
  • Type in the app name e.g. Time and Attendance Exchange Online Integration
  • Select the supported account type e.g. Accounts in this organizational directory only (MSFT only - Single tenant)
  • Click Register
  • Copy Application (client) ID
  • Copy Directory (tenant) ID

Create app secret
  • Click Certificates & secrets
  • Click + New client secret
  • Type in the description e.g. Time and Attendance Exchange Online integration secret
  • Select the Expires e.g. 180 days (6 months)
  • Click Add
  • Copy client secret value

Configure API permissions
  • Click API permissions
  • Click + Add a permission
  • Click Microsoft Graph
  • Click Application permissions
  • Type Directory.Read.All
  • Tick the checkbox
  • Click Add permissions
  • Click status for Directory.Read.All
  • Repeat the process for the following Microsoft Graph permissions

API / Permission name


Admin consent required











  • Click Grant admin consent for MSFT
  • Click Yes

Configure T&A Email Preferences
  • Log on to T&A Windows (WinTMS)
  • Click System > Maintain system preferences
  • Click E-Mail tab
  • Click Email component and select EXCH – Exchange Online
  • Click Connection tab
  • Enter the Tenant ID
  • Enter the Client ID
  • Enter the from name
  • Enter the from email address
  • Enter the Client Secret
  • Click API Endpoints tab
  • Check Token Endpoint e.g.{TenantId}/oauth2/v2.0/token
  • Check Default Scope e.g.
  • Check Graph API Endpoint e.g.
  • Check User Endpoint e.g. /users/{UserPrincipalName}
  • Check User Messages Endpoint e.g. /users/{UserPrincipalId}/messages
  • Check Draft User Message Endpoint e.g. /{DraftMessageId}/send
  • Check Draft Add Attachment Endpoint e.g. /{DraftMessageId}/attachments
  • Check Create Upload Session Endpoint e.g. /users/{UserPrincipalId}/messages/{DraftMessageId}/attachments/createuploadsession

Test Windows T&A integration with Exchange Online
  • Logon to T&A Windows
  • Click System > Maintain system preferences
  • Click Email tab
  • Click Test
  • Complete form
  • Click OK
  • Verify that email was received

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