Creating a New Report

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The optimal way to create most new reports is to copy an existing default report and modify it to your new requirements. Choose the appropriate type of Report to be copied. Here are a couple of examples: for an employee details report, copy the EMPDETAILS Report; for an Absence period type report, copy the ABS_PER report and if it is a Work record type report, copy the CLOCKCARD Report etc. 

To copy a report, highlight an existing report in the Custom reports list: 

A screenshot of a computer
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Click the Copy button. Give the report a new name

A white rectangular object with a black border
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Click OK

The report will now show to modify. Change the report title and then click OK. The new report will now be in the report list: 

A screenshot of a computer
          Description automatically generated


You can now edit this report by highlighting the report and clicking the Modify button. Changes can now be made such as adding additional columns, changing the group sort, amending the employee break down etc.

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