On-site list (Employee)

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The On-site list provides an ’at a glance’ view of which members of your department, or of the entire company, are present (have clocked in).

If the On-site feature has been enabled for you, you can access it by selecting On-site from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

The following is an example of the On-site list in the 'default' list style:

The list name is displayed in the header along with the number of Employees in the list. The list is in a grid format with one row per Employee, the columns contain the following details:

  • Employee name — contains the ID and full name of the Employee
  • Surname — displays the Employee's surname
  • On-site — a check-box means the Employee is currently on site when selected
  • Clockings — the current clockings for the day. 'I' means 'clock in' and 'O' means 'clock out'
  • Site — the current site the Employee is assigned to
  • Skills — displays a list of any skills the Employee has
  • Skill image — displays an icon representing a particular skill in T&A. For example, the red fire icon represents the skill 'Fire marshal'.
  • Picture — the Employee's picture
  • Absent — displays a check-box which is selected for absent Employees
Note: the display of the On-site list and what information is available are defined by your system administrator and so may be different from those displayed here

A search function is also available in the top-right corner of the list, typing in an Employees ID or name will automatically refresh the list and display the Employee(s) with the same name or ID.

Depending on the Supervisors settings, the page can auto-refresh at regular intervals. You can click the refresh icon in the top-right corner to instantly refresh the page.

You can click on any of the information for a particular Employee to bring up a pop-up with all their On-site details.

When you clock out, the On-site list will be updated. The 'On-site' check-box will be unchecked as demonstrated in the example below when an Employee clocks out for an early lunch:

Click Close in the left-hand navigation pane to return to the Dashboard.

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On-site list style
