Message tags

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The T&A Messaging allows you to attach Tags to a message. Tags allow you to mark a message as having certain properties, either as information for the recipient or to help when searching through messages. Tags are optional, and in many cases will not be used.

The Tags page allows you to manage and maintain tags with options to add, modify and delete tags.

On the Messages received page, click Configure tags in the left-hand pane to open the Tags page. For example:

The Tags page contains a list of tags already created with options to customise them. Tags can be attached to messages to help with filtering, and can optionally be displayed to the Employee receiving the message.

A tag consists of a unique key to identify it, a description, and a check-box indicating whether it is visible to the Employee.

Create new tags by clicking Add in the left-hand pane. The Add tag page will open, for example:

Enter a unique key, a description for the tag and select the check-box to make the tag visible to an Employee when they receive a message.

A Supervisor can modify existing tags by clicking on the key or description of the relevant tag to open the Modify tag page. For example:

The description and visible option can be modified but not the key. Click  Submit  to save any changes and return to the updated Tags page.

A tag can be deleted within the Modify tag page by clicking Delete in the left-hand pane. A pop-up will appear to confirm that you want to delete the tag. Click  Delete  to permanently delete the tag and return to the updated Tags page.

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