
Timesheet hours bands

Karishma Updated by Karishma


The Timesheet bands feature displays your Absence and Worked hour codes in a simplistic grid based view with the option to add, remove and modify your Hours bands.

If you have permission, you can access the Timesheet bands feature from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

Your Absence hours and Worked hours will be displayed for the current week in a grid format. For example:

Note: a preference can also be set by your Supervisor to hide any zero values on your Timesheet.

The Timesheet bands grid is divided into columns representing the Work record of each day of the week. If you have access, a drop-down list of additional actions are available when the day is clicked:

  • Insert shift
     — to create a new Work record containing a selected Shift. A drop-down list of possible Shifts opens. This is only possible if you have no Rostered Shift. It is possible to have more than one Shift on a day but they cannot overlap. An error is displayed if the Shift cannot be inserted

Note: if a preference has been set by your system administrator, the Insert shift action will be available for a set amount of days in the future

The Totals column is found on the far right of the grid and contains the total hours of each row.

The rows contain the following:

  • Shift — the name of the shift(s) you are working on that day. You are able to access the Modify hours bands page for the shift by clicking on the shift name.

Note: if you have permission, additional options may be available for the Shift and a drop-down menu will appear instead when clicking on the shift name. Click 'Modify' to open the Modify hours bands page or click 'Recalculate' to re-calculate the Worked and Absence hours based on the core hours of the Shift you worked that day

  • Status — there are 4 types of status:

Note: if you have permission, the Shift drop-down menu will have additional options when the Work record has a Request. For example:

Modify request — opens the Modify hours bands page to make any changes to the Hour bands to resolve the Request.

Delete request — opens a confirmation pop-up, click  Delete  to delete the Request or click Close to abort the deletion and return to the Timesheet hours page

    •  Anomalies  — displays in the status row when there are anomalies within the Work record. Clicking on it opens your Work record page where you can view your Work record and modify it.
    •  Draft  — displays in the status row when you use the 'Save as draft' in Modify hours bands. It highlights changes that have been made but have not been submitted.
    •  Locked  — displays in the status when your Work record has been locked by your system administrator and can no longer be edited

  • Absence hours and Worked hour — each row has a different Hours code with the amount of time in hours and minutes displayed under the columns. From the above example, on Tuesday, Early leaving is an Absence hour code and has a duration of 45 minutes. Note: Hovering over the Hours codes brings up a tool tip highlighting if they are an Absence code or a Worked code

  • Worked total — the total of all the Worked hours for a column

  • Absence total — the total of all the Absence hours for a column

  • Totals — contains the total hours for each column

Note: the Absence hours and Worked hours highlighted in dark grey are non-mandatory working days.

Note: the Absence codesWorked hour codes and what will be displayed on a Timesheet are defined by your system administrator and may be different from those displayed here.

If no Work record is available to view, a 'Nothing to display' message is shown. For example:

Click Close in the left-hand navigation pane to return to the Dashboard.

Modify hours bands

To modify existing Hours bands in a Work record, click on the Shift name on the day you wish to modify. The Modify hours bands page will open showing the existing Hour bands for that Shift. For example:

The date and Shift name appear at the top of the page next to the title. The Hours bands are separated into rows with the Hours codeStart time, End time and the Total of the Hours bands in columns.

Hours bands can be modified by using a drop-down list to pick an Hours code and inputting the Start and End time by typing or using the clock icon to select a time.

Add an Hours band by clicking on the Add button at the bottom left of the grid. This will add an extra Hours band row with empty boxes to input the Hours codeStart and End time. For example:

Clicking the Remove button will remove the Hours band from the grid.

Click Save as draft in the left-hand pane to save your modifications for later use and return to the updated Timesheet bands page. The  Draft  tag will appear in the Status row to highlight your updated hours and to indicate that the modified Hour bands have not been submitted yet.

Note: the 'Save as draft' option is a Preference set by your system administrator so it may not be available on your system.

When you have finished, click Submit in the left-hand pane to save your modified Hour bands and return to the Timesheet bands page. The new hours are added to the relevant day and a success message will appear at the top of the page. For example:

Alternatively, click Cancel to discard the modified Hour bands and return to the Timesheet hours bands page.

Note: any change you make to your Hours bands may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a Request. The status row of the Work record you modified on the Timesheet hours bands page will have a  Request  tag.

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