Maintain current watches

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Supervisor can place a Watch on an Employee. This instructs the system to send an email to the Supervisor when that Employee clocks In or Out.

Note: Notifications are sent via email so the On-site watch functionality is only available to a Supervisor who is linked to an Employee with an email address. This is set up by your system administrator or by the Advanced implementers when setting up your system. This feature will not be available for the MASTER user.

Place a watch on an Employee

  • Open the On-site list for any Employee or Group
  • Click on an Employee you want to Watch and select Add watch from the pop-up window. An icon of an eye will appear next to the Skill icon in the On-site list to indicate who you have placed a Watch on. For example:

Remove a watch from an Employee

  • Open the On-site list for any Employee or Group
  • Click on an Employee you want to remove a Watch from and select Remove watch from the pop-up window
  • Alternatively, on the On-site list page, you can click on the 'Maintain current watches' in the left-hand pane. This will open up a page with a list of all Employees you are currently watching. For example:

Click 'Remove watch' on the relevant Employee to remove the Watch. Click Close in the left-hand pane to return to the On-site list.

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On-site list (Supervisor)

Modify On-site list
