Restarting the Processor service

It is sometimes necessary to add a daily restart to the Processor. This is achieved by adding a Job to the Processor job queue every night. 

Note: This job should be placed before any Run special calculations Jobs so that it runs prior to the calculations.

You can access the Job scheduler from a client PC. Locate the WinTMS program folder (e.g. \\<SERVER>\NETMF\WINTMS\). There may already be a shortcut to the Processor in this folder, for example:

If not, you can create one. You need to create a shortcut to the TMSCONTROLLER program, and add a command line of "/processor=1". For example, the target may look like the example below:

"\\<SERVER>\NETMF\WINTMS\TMSCONTROLLER.exe /processor=1"    

Once you have created this shortcut, double-click it and log in as MASTER. Open the File menu on the toolbar, and click Job scheduler. Click New, and then select Send processor dormant as the Job type. You should then set the Job frequency as Repeat daily, and the next action as 23:30 on the current time. Then, set the Time to remain dormant (minutes) as 2. An example is shown below.

Click OK, and then click Close

When this is in place, the Processor will be restarted every night.

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TMS Re Do Processing Instructions
