Modifying and deleting a created Theme

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Once a new Theme has been created, it is possible to Modify or Delete the Theme. To do this, simply select it from the grid of Themes and this will take you to the Modify theme page:

This page is divided into two sections, with the following options occupying the left-hand pane:

  • Close - selecting this option will close the Modify theme page and take you to the previous page that you were on

  • Submit - selecting this after modifying the Theme will save any changes that have been made

  • Preview - this option allows you to quickly see what the Theme will look like, before deciding if you want to submit it

  • Delete - selecting this option will delete and remove the created Theme from the system

In order to modify the Theme, simply open the colour picker, next to the relevant field, and choose a new colour. Once this is done, you can Preview the changes you have made and then Submit them.

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