Add employee

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Add employee page enables you to add a new Employee to the system in addition to amending their licences and selecting their details type. The Add employee page is only available to Supervisors with Employee > Add enabled in their T&A user profile.

To add a new Employee, select Add employee from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. The Add employee page opens. For example:

First enter the Personal ref of the new Employee, this is also known as the Employee reference or ID and it is a unique identifier that the T&A system refers to. This is a mandatory field and you must enter a value that has not been used by any previous Employee. Next, enter the date when the Employee will be starting followed by a date for when they will start clocking on (sometimes Employees will be away for training for a few weeks after starting a job for example), T&A will not log any days with missed clockings as an anomaly until the start clocking on date.

The Badge number field can be used to assign a specific badge to the new Employee. This field can be left blank or a preference can be set that will automatically assign a Badge number based on the Employee reference.

The Details type field is a drop-down list with the option to select whether the Employee will be added as either a T&A type, HR type or an Access control type. Whatever type is selected will dictate what type of details page will appear once the Employee has been submitted. For example, if the Employee was set as an Access control type, the details page will include mandatory Employee details fields and additional fields that only relate to access control, such as PIN.

Select and amend the Employee licences to reflect the Employee type based on the Details page selection. For example, if you wanted to add a HR type employee make sure HR is selected as a licence. Assign any further licences for your new Employee that are relevant by checking the boxes.

Selecting 'Update terminals' means when the new employee is added, all their details will be downloaded to the terminals or access control units immediately.

Click  Submit  to be taken to a new Employee details page dependant on the Details page that was selected. The following example is the details page for an Access control type:

Enter the details of the new Access control employee and click  Submit  to add the employee to the system.

Click  Cancel  in the left-hand pane to discard any changes and return to the Add employee page.

Note: if you are re-enrolling an Employee who has previously left the organisation, the Restart employee page should be used to restart the leaver.

A success message will appear at the top of the Add Access control employee page with the fields set to read-only mode. For example:

If you have access, a few actions are available in the left-hand pane to Modify the fields, set a Point-in-time to view the panel and Panel history to view the Audit trail of every field within the panel. Click Close in the left-hand pane to return to the Supervisor Dashboard.

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Badge history
