Employee details

Karishma Updated by Karishma


If the Employee details feature has been enabled for you, you will be able to access the information stored about you in T&A. You may also be able to modify this information. Employee details are organised in to groupings of related information and are displayed in panels or tabs. The information in each panel is entirely configurable and so may be different from the examples shown here. Your system administrator will define the panels you are allowed to view and the information you are allowed to edit.

You can access your Employee details from the drop-down Header pane (click T&A in the header) and the Menu and Shortcuts Widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

The Employee details page opens. The following shows the Employee details page for an Employee with access to panels called T&A, EntitlementsAddress and Qualifications. The panels are displayed as tabs on the page and the T&A tab is open:

The information in the different tabs is displayed either boxes of related information arranged in one or more columns, as for the T&A tab in the previous example, or in a grid or table format. To display a different panel, click the relevant tab.

The left-hand navigation pane includes a Modify action, to allow you to update your Employee details and a Point-in-time quick action is available in the top-right of the page.

The left-hand navigation pane also includes a link to the employee Documents section.

You may be granted permission by your system administrator to view the history of your employee details page. If so, any information with recorded changes will have the title highlighted blue, clicking on the title will open a pop-up detailing the field history. For example:

Note: if you have permission, an option called Panel history will be available in the left-hand pane that takes you to a new page with information about the recorded changes of the entire page.

Modifying employee details

You may or may not be allowed to edit your own Employee details. Permission to do this is defined by your system administrator. If you do have permission to edit your Employee details, navigate to the relevant panel and click Modify in the left-hand navigation pane.

This switches your Employee details to Modify mode. The currently selected Point-in-time date is locked and any changes you make are submitted for that date.

Note: Any changes you make may still require approval from a Supervisor and so will create a Request. If you make changes in more than one panel, a separate Request is created for each panel. If you submit multiple changes to the same panel, the Requests are merged.
Note: if you are allowed to auto-authorise changes to your Employee details, a Request is not created and your changes will take effect immediately.

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Employee details panels
