Obtaining "500 internal server error" details

If the TMS Website encounters an error, it will present you with a "500 internal server error" message with a long error ID. The details of the error are logged in the background.

You can find the details of the error message by navigating to https://<server name here>/<directory>/admin/elmah.axd. You will need to log in as a supervisor to continue. This list shows all errors, the latest of which will be at the top. Click Details next to the entry that matches the ID you received. Please forward the details to us by copying all the text in the yellow section.

For example, http://example.org/tms/admin/elmah.axd

If you have trouble accessing the elmah admin page, you can ask your IT to zip up and send the all the elmah logs to us. These can be found on the TMSWeb server in the website root folder. By default, this would be C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tms\elmah_data. Please ensure you send the error ID along with the zipped error files. If the error files are quite large you can upload them to us via the Mitrefinch Uploader, found at https://mfupload.mitrefinch.co.uk/. Please contact Mitrefinch Support if you require the login cedentials.

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