
Recent clockings

Karishma Updated by Karishma


If the Recent clockings feature has been enabled for you, details of the clockings you have made recently can be viewed in T&A. A summary of your recent clockings is displayed in the Recent clockings widget on the Attendance summary page. For example:

To view a more detailed breakdown, click anywhere on the Recent clockings summary Widget to be taken to the Recent clockings page.

The Recent clockings page can also be accessed from the drop-down Header pane (click T&A in the header) and the Menu and Shortcuts Widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

The following is an example of the Recent clockings page:

Details of each clocking are displayed in a separate row. The information you see for each clocking depends on the features that have been set up for you and so may be different from the previous example. You may be able to see some or all of the following:

  • The type of clocking: T&A or TAS, along with the direction:  IN  or  OUT  for T&A clockings
  • The date and time of the clocking, for example '09:00 12/11/2015'
  • A Keyed code value such as a T&A Absence or Worked hours code for T&A clockings. These are shown with an orange background. The previous example shows  Keyed code: BH  (for basic hours)
  • One or more TAS category values for TAS clockings. These are highlighted with a blue background. The previous example shows TAS category values of  Department: Admin  Department: Factory  and  Location: United Kingdom

The information displayed in the Recent clockings list is similar to that displayed in the Recent clockings summary Widget but there are a number of options available which allow you to change what is shown.

Note: even if you are not allowed to make web clockings, you may still be able to access this feature.

The list is ordered by time, with the most recently made clocking at the top of the list. You can invert this by clicking Order by oldest first, at the top of the list.

Supervisors and employees with the correct permissions may add and edit clockings from this screen. To add a clocking, click Add clocking at the top of the Recent clockings screen.

The Add clocking window appears. Enter the details of the clocking and click Submit.

To edit an existing clocking, click on the clocking in the list. Amend the clocking details and click Submit, or click Delete to delete the clocking.

Recent clockings details

To view the details for an individual clocking, first navigate to the Recent clockings page, and click on the direction, time or category of a clocking to open up a pop-up with further details. For example:

The previous example shows the details for a TAS clocking made on '12/11/2015' at '09:05'. The clocking Type is highlighted with a coloured background; blue in this instance for a TAS clocking. The clocking type background is green for a T&A IN clocking and red for a T&A OUT clocking. The two TAS category values at the bottom of the list also have a blue background.

Recent clocking options

You can change the display of your Recent clockings list using the icon in the top-right of the page to open the Filters pop-up. For example:

The Clocking status drop-down list allows you to select the type of clocking to show. There are three options:

  • Unused — clockings which have not been processed and so are not associated with a Work record.
    • In T&A, the Processor uses the clockings you make to create your daily Work records. These are displayed in your Clock card and show the hours you have worked at the appropriate pay rates, along with any absences and Anomalies.
  • Current — all clockings in the current processing period, e.g. for the current month
  • All — all the clockings you have made, including any which have been processed

Select an option and click  Apply .

There are also three check-box options:

  • Include Onsite — select this check-box to include Onsite clockings i.e. clockings you make when you enter your workplace site.
  • Include Access — select this check-box to include Access clockings i.e. clockings you make when you pass through a door or barrier
  • Additional details— select this check-box to display more clocking details. For example:

Select a check-box and click  Apply .

  • The details displayed are defined by your system administrator and may include:
    • Used — whether the clocking has been processed
    • Original — whether the clocking has been edited since it was made, for example by your Supervisor
    • Location — an identifier for a Site code or terminal
    • Platform — how the clocking was made, e.g. at a terminal, on a mobile device or web-based
    • Latitude — the latitude of the location where the clocking was made
    • Longitude — the longitude of the location where the clocking was made
    Select a check-box and click  Apply .

Recent clocking maps

When you make a clocking, if your current location is recorded against the clocking, an option to view your location on a map is available within the Recent clockings detail pop-up. For example:

Click on Location to open a static map of the location within the pop-up:

Click Close to return to the Recent clockings page.

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