Create personal rosters action

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The 'Create personal roster' action creates a new Roster based on an existing sequence of planned shifts from the Group planner for all Employees in a Group. It is a quick solution for creating multiple Rosters using each individual Employees own sequences of planned Shifts and creating a personal Roster that can be assigned to them at a certain date. Before creating a new Roster, a Supervisor can define a suitable set of planned Shifts for an Employee in the Group planner.

The 'Create personal roster' action is available in the right-hand pane when the Total headings is clicked to view the summary, actions and totals for the planners current period on the Group planner. Clicking the action opens the following page:

The Source section is pre-populated with the Start date of the current period on display in the Group planner. This section allows a Supervisor to choose the first date to copy the planned Shifts from using the Start date field. The Week field is used to input the number of weeks to copy planned shifts from the Start date. For example, if you enter '4' in the Weeks field, then the planned Shifts will be copied 4 weeks after the inputted Start date.

The Destination section has a field to enter the Date on which the new personal Roster will be assigned to the selected Employee(s) and a field to select what Employee(s) will receive the new personal Roster based on their sequenced planned Shifts. Click on the Employee field and select the Employee(s) from a drop-down list.

Clicking Submit creates the new personal Roster for each Employee and assigns it to the selected Employees.

The system will create a name for each new personal Roster. It will also create a Description derived from the employee's name and the base date of Roster. For example, 'Brennon Daisy:07/04/2024'.

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