Badge history

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Supervisors with the Badge history preference enabled in their T&A user profile can access the Badge history page.

To view the currently selected Employees history of badges, select Badge history from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. The Badge history page opens. For example:

The page contains a list of an Employees badge history which may include the badge they currently have assigned to them. The information available for each badge is the date the badge was issued to the Employee, the date the badge will expire and be invalid for the Employee, and whether the badge has been issued temporarily.

The list of badges can be truncated by typing in a badge number in the search box found in the top-right corner of the list.

Note: If the Employee has no history of any badges, a 'Nothing to display' message will appear instead.

Clicking on the badge number will open up the history of an individual badge, with a list of Employees the badge has been assigned to.

Click Close in the left-hand pane to return to the Supervisor Dashboard.

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