Delete availability

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Delete Availability

You can delete an existing availability on selected days after the cut-off day. When you click on Delete in the Details pane, a new page opens up with the selected days information pre-populating the page. For example:

  • Day — the day the Availability will be deleted
  • Active — a checked box means the day has been selected to Delete an Availability from
  • All day — a checked box means all Availability that day will be deleted
  • Start time — the starting time of the Availability you wish to delete
  • End time — the ending time of the Availability you wish to delete
  • Date range — the Start date and End date you wish to apply the Delete an Availability to. For example, if Monday was checked as 'Active' and the date range covered an entire month, the availability will be deleted from every Monday of that month.

Click  Delete  to permanently remove the Availability and return to the updated Availabilities page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the deletion and return to the Availabilities page.

Quick delete

The 'Quick delete' action in the Details pane allows you to delete Availability using a Start and End time and a Start and End date. The example below deletes or truncates all Availability between 9:30am on the 5th October to 17:30am on the 6th October:

Click  Delete  to permanently remove the Availability and return to the updated Availabilities page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the deletion and return to the Availabilities page.

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