

Karishma Updated by Karishma


The T&A Skills feature is a record of any skills, expertise or competencies you have acquired that are recorded in T&A. If your skills are linked to training records in T&A then the details can be accessed from the Skills feature.

You will only be able to view your skills if the feature has been enabled for you by a Supervisor.

You can access the Skills feature from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

Selecting Skills from the T&A menu opens the Skills page displaying a summary of your skills. For example:

The Skills page is divided into two lists: Skills acquired and Skills needed.

  • Skills acquired — displays details of any skills you have obtained that are recorded in T&A. This may include colour-coded competency levels and the start and end dates for the skill.
  • Skills needed — a list of other skills that may be required for your role. The skills listed here are defined by your system administrator.

When a skill in the Skills acquired list is past the End date, then it will be added to the Skills needed list.

If there are no skills in a list, 'Nothing to display' is shown instead. For example:

Click Close in the left-hand navigation pane to return to the Dashboard.

Skills acquired

When you navigate to the T&A Skills feature, a list of any skills you have obtained is displayed in the Skills acquired list. For example:

The list shows the following details for each skill:

  • Code — a short name for the skill. For example 'F/AID'. If the skill is linked to a training record in T&A, clicking the code opens a Qualification page with details of the record
  • Description — a more detailed description of the skill. For example 'First aid'
  • Competency — the level or degree of competence you have obtained for the skill. Competency levels are defined by your system administrator and may differ from those displayed in the example. A value is only displayed in the Competency field if the skill is linked to a training record in T&A and a competency value has been recorded
    Competency values may be colour-coded as for the 'First aid', 'Fire marshal' and 'Fork lift truck driver' skills in the previous example. The colour-code demonstrates different levels of competency for example 'First aid' is coloured red to show the employee still needs guidance to deliver this skill
  • Start date — the date the skill was acquired. A value is only displayed in the Start date field if the skill is linked to a training record in T&A and a start date has been recorded, otherwise it will be a blank value
  • End date — the date the skill becomes invalid. For example an expiry date. A value is only displayed in the End date field if the skill is linked to a training record in T&A and an end date has been recorded, otherwise it will be a blank value.
Note: values for skill Codes and Descriptions are also displayed in the Skills needed list

Skills needed

When you navigate to the T&A Skills feature, a list of required skills not yet obtained are displayed in the Skills needed list. For example:

The list shows the following details for each skill:

  • Code — a short name for the skill. For example 'F/AID'.
  • Description — a more detailed description of the skill. For example 'First aid'.

Note: skills are defined by your system administrator and so may differ from those displayed here.

Skill details

When you navigate to the T&A Skills feature, a list of any skills you have obtained is displayed in the Skills acquired list.

If the skill is linked to a training record in T&A, clicking the code opens a Qualification page with details of the record. For example:

The details in the previous example include:

  • Type — the type of skill
  • Level — the skill level attained
  • Subject — the subject area for the qualification such as 'Health and Safety'
  • Detail — the title of the qualification
  • Grade — the grade obtained
  • Award date — the date the skill was acquired. This may be displayed as the Start date in the Skills acquired list
  • Review date — the review date for the skill. The date the skill needs to be reviewed before it expires. This may be displayed as the End date in the Skills acquired list
  • Renewed date — the date the qualification was last renewed which may differ from the Award date
  • Award body — the professional body responsible for approving the qualification
  • Skill — the local name for the skill. This is used for the Description field in the Skills acquired list
  • Comp — the level or degree of competence obtained for the skill. This is used for the Competency field in the Skills acquired list
Note: many of the qualification details are defined by your system administrator and so may differ from those displayed here.
Note: <undefined> is displayed when a field is empty.

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