
Actual Lateness

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Actual lateness

If the T&A Shift you work is set up so that any absence at the start of the day is rounded to a pre-set value, then you may find that, if you clock in late for your shift, the hours value recorded in your Work record is not the actual value. For example, an Employee clocked in five minutes late, at 04:05 and a 15 minute absence has been recorded in their Work record. This appears as  L 00:15 . A second absence is also displayed as:  AL 00:05 . This is the Actual lateness of 5 minutes. It is only displayed if the Shift you worked on the day defines a specific Absence code(s) to use to record the Actual lateness hours. If so, the Work record also contains an Actual lateness panel with details of the hours.

The Actual lateness panel is accessed from the Edit button or by clicking on the day of your Work record in your Clock card.

Click the Actual lateness header to expand the panel. In the following example, an Actual lateness is recorded for the day:

If you are allowed to edit Actual lateness, three actions available from this panel: Add hours, Modify and Delete.

A 'Nothing to display' message is displayed if no Actual lateness is recorded for the day. For example:

Add Actual lateness

To record the actual duration of an absence which is the result of rounding in your Work record, expand the Actual lateness panel in the relevant Work record and click the Add hours button. The Add actual lateness page opens. For example:

The date of the Work record is displayed at the top of the page. This cannot be changed.

Note: The fields displayed may differ from those in the previous example. Example fields include:

  • Start and End time — the start and end times for the Actual lateness, the default is the start of the day
  • Hours value — this is calculated from the Start and End times you enter
  • Hours type — Actual lateness is recorded by default and cannot be changed
  • Hours code — you must select an Hours code. The list contains only specific T&A Absence codes defined for Actual lateness
  • TAS categories — optional fields to describe the lateness. There are two TAS categories in the previous example: drop-down lists called 'Department' and 'Location', each containing a list of codes or values to select from

Select or enter the relevant details then click  Submit  and return to the Edit work record page, or click Cancel to discard your changes. The new Actual lateness hours are added to the Actual lateness panel and highlighted with a  Draft  tag. For example:

To add the new Actual lateness, click Submit in the left-hand navigation pane or click Cancel to discard the addition and return to your Clock card.

Note: Any Actual lateness hours you record may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a Request. Work records and any fields with requested data changes are highlighted with a Request  tag.

Note: Any changes you make to Actual lateness will not be reflected in the Clockings or Absence hours panels. You need to update these separately if required.

Delete an Actual lateness

To delete an existing Actual lateness from a Work record, expand the Actual lateness panel in the relevant Work record and click on the Start or End time, Hours code, Hours value or TAS of the Actual lateness you wish to delete. A pop-up window opens asking if you want to delete the hours. For example:

Click  Delete  to proceed and return to the Edit work record page with the Actual lateness row removed. Click Cancel to abandon the deletion.

To apply the changes, click Submit in the left-hand navigation pane and return to your Clock card.

Modify an Actual lateness

To modify an existing Actual lateness in a Work record, expand the Actual lateness panel in the relevant Work record and click on the Start or End time, Hours code, Hours value or TAS of the Actual lateness you wish to modify. A Modify actual lateness page opens showing the existing values. For example:

You can change the Start time, End time, Hours code and any TAS category values. Select or enter the relevant details then click  Submit  and return to the Edit work record page, or click Cancel to discard your changes. Any changes you make are highlighted with a  Draft  tag.

To apply the changes, click Submit in the left-hand navigation pane or click Cancel to discard the modification and return to the Edit work record page.

Note: Any change you make to an Actual lateness may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a Request. Fields with requested data changes are highlighted with a Request  tag.

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