Kiosk site planner

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Kiosk application is designed to provide your company with an easy to use and efficient clocking system, which is a Windows based application containing a user-friendly interface to make the process of clocking in and out faster and smoother. Set up a Windows device in the desired location and your Employees can clock in, using one of the following options:

  • Biometric readers
  • Proximity readers
  • Badge numbers

After logging into T&A 8, the Kiosk Site Planner feature can be accessed in two ways, either by selecting it from your dashboard, or by using the drop-down header pane at the top of the page, where it can be located under the System menu.

Note: In order to access this feature you must be logged in as a Supervisor.

When you first enter the feature, you will see the following screen:

The left-hand panel contains a list of Actions, which will be described in detail further in this user manual.

The main page of the Kiosk site planner feature contains a grid with the following columns:

  • Ref - a Kiosk's reference
  • Kiosk ID – the Kiosk ID is unique to each Kiosk and will become relevant if you intend to use the system to perform TAS clockings, which will be explained if further detail later (for more  details on the Kiosk ID feature, please refer to Appendix 3: Kiosk ID in the Kiosk User Manual)
  • Computer name – the name of the computer that the Kiosk application has been installed on
  • Description – a description of a Kiosk can be added, which is for your personal reference and will not impact the functionality in any way
  • Licenced – states whether or not the Kiosk is licenced
  • Last clocking time – the time of the most recent employee clocking
  • Last heartbeat – shows when the last communication between the Kiosk and the server was
  • Status – shows whether or not the Kiosk application is running correctly
  • Hardware – shows whether or not the hardware is installed and/or connected
  • Version – displays which version of the software you are running

If you have more than one Kiosk set up you are able to arrange them into ascending or descending order by column, by selecting the upwards or downwards arrow to the right of each field:

Alternatively, you can use the search bar in the top-right corner of the page to search for a specific Kiosk.

Clicking on any of the columns in a row will take you to the Kiosk details page.

Reset Licences

As each Kiosk and each piece of hardware will need its own licence in order for your Kiosk system to function properly, it is essential that you have the ability to reset your licences, which you can then reissue to ensure that your new setup functions. For example, if you have a setup that works with biometric readers, but you would like to change this to work with proximity readers, you can simply reset your licence structure and rebuild it to incorporate the new changes. 

To reset your licences, select the Reset licences action button, from the left-hand panel of the Kiosk site planner page. The following pop-up will appear:

Select Reset to remove all of your current licences and make them available, or Cancel to leave your licence setup as it currently is.

Note: if you reset your licences, your Employees will not be able to use the Kiosk until they have been licenced again.

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