
Request details

Karishma Updated by Karishma

When you navigate to the T&A Requests feature, a list of any Requests generated are displayed in the list. Clicking on the Type or Description of a Request opens a page with further details. An example below is from an Absence request:

The details in the previous example include:

  • The top part of Request details is the same for every Request Type.

Depending on the Request Type, the layout of the Summary section is similar to the page that generated the request.

  • Summary — details about the Request. The previous example uses:

The example below is from the summary in Request details of a Work record. The 'Before' and 'After' shows the changes that will be made if the Request is accepted:

Note: many of the Request details are defined by your system administrator and so may be different from those displayed here.
<undefined> is displayed when a field is empty.

Modifying Request details

If you have generated any requests in T&A, you can modify the Request details. First navigate to the Requests page and locate the request you wish to modify. Then click on the Type or Description of the request to open the Request details page and click 'Modify' in the left-hand navigation pane. You are taken to the associated page where you generated the request, below is an example of when an absence is modified:

The details for the request are displayed with all fields in edit mode. When you have finished, click  Submit  to save your changes and return to the updated Requests page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort modifying a request and return to the Request details page.

Note: Depending on the Request Type, when Modify is clicked you are taken to a similar page that generated the request and you are able to edit the fields you wish to change.

Delete a request

The Requests feature allows you to delete Requests which you no longer require. First navigate to the Requests page and locate the relevant request. Click on the Type or Description of the request to open the Request details page.

Click the Delete action in the left-hand navigation pane. A Delete request page opens. For example:

Click  Delete  to permanently remove the request from T&A and return to the updated Requests page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the deletion and return to the Request details page.

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