Modify action

Karishma Updated by Karishma

On the Configuration page, it is possible to set up different types of clockings for your Employees, including TAS clockings. The different types of clockings that can be created are called Actions and can be created by clicking on the entry in any of the columns.

If an Action has not previously been edited, the following three fields will be available to you:

  • Name - enter the display name of the Action that you are setting up

  • Action result - an optional message, shown after an Employee clocking has been made

  • Clocking type - in this field, you can select whether the clocking will be a TAS clocking, a T&A clocking, or both. If set to None, the Action will be disabled

Depending on the choice you made in the previous step, a further set of options will become available to you, these are listed and explained below:

Only T&A

When you are creating an Action that only involves a T&A clocking type, you will see the following options in addition to those listed above:

  • T&A direction - this setting determines what the default clocking direction will be, there are three options: In, Out, and Toggle. If Toggle is selected an Employee's first clocking will be 'In' and following that, every subsequent clocking will alternate

  • T&A qualifier - this option allows you to select which hourly rate Employees will be paid when clocking in after selecting this Action

  • Colour - this option opens a colour picker, which allows you to determine the background colour which will be displayed on the Kiosk screen for this Action

  • Allow biometric - if this option is ticked, Employees will be able to make clockings using biometric readers

  • Allow proximity - if this option is ticked, Employees will be able to clock in using proximity readers

  • Allow Employee pin - if this option is ticked, Employees will be able to make a clocking by entering a badge number, then supplying the pin given to them

  • No authentication - the system will not require authentication upon clockings

Only TAS

  • TAS qualifier - this option allows you to select which hourly rate Employees will be paid when clocking in after selecting this Action

Note: it is possible to have extra TAS categories in your system, however, these would have to be set up by a T&A implementer.

If you select the T&A and TAS clocking type, then all of the above options will be available for you to configure as you wish.

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