
Karishma Updated by Karishma

Availability is an Employee Self Service feature associated with T&A Rostering. It allows you to define your availability for work each day.

If you have permission, you can access the Availability feature from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

Your Availability for the current week will be displayed in a calendar format. For example:

In the default view for a week, the date range is at the top, each column represents a day of the week and each row is a period of time. In the example above, each row is in intervals of 60 minutes and from Monday to Friday their Availability is from 9:30 - 17:30 which is represented by the green blocks also known as Availability bands.

Moving the cursor over an Availability band reveals a tool-tip displaying the details of the time period you are available for. For example:

You can add, copy, delete or find out further information about your Availability for a single day or over a certain date range by clicking and highlighting the day(s) and more details will appear in the right-hand pane.

Note: You can only add, copy or delete Availability after a cut-off day set by your system administrator. The default cut-off day is the current date but it can be changed to any day after the cut-off day.  

You are able to change the layout and what is displayed in the calendar using the options in the left-hand pane.

When you Add your availability, you have the option to be available 'All day'. If this option is selected, the Availability band will appear in the top row of a day to represent a full day of availability. For example:

Note: you can change your availability so that you are available all day and every day by default. This can be set as a preference and your Availability page will differ from the previous examples. This preference will only be available to you if it has been set-up by the T&A Implementers. The example below is from the 'Week' layout with the preference set for you to always be available:

The Availability bands in the top row represent a full day of availability. You can still highlight certain periods of time after the cut-off day to delete your availability when you are unavailable.

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Availability details
