Hours approval

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Hours approval page displays the selected Groups hours over a week period. Supervisors are able to review, edit and approve the hours on this page. Once hours have been approved, the Work record is locked and can no longer be edited without certain permissions.

To open the Hours approval page, select Hours approval from the Group menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Supervisor dashboard. A page similar to the following is displayed:

Note: additional columns can be added for Employee fieldsWorked hour codes and Absence codes in System preferences > Hours approval or by clicking the Preference icon found in the Supervisor toolbar.

The main Hours approval page contains a table with one Employee per row, summarising the date range and how many hours have been worked in that period. The Status column contains information to highlight if the Employee has Anomalies in their Work records, no hours to approve (No hours), no approved hours (None), partly approved hours (Part approved) or have all hours approved (Approved).

The Request column will contain a  Request  tag if any of the Employees have a Pending request in one of their Work records. If a Request is present in a Work record, hours cannot be approved until the Request is accepted or declined by a Supervisor. Also, if a Work record has an Anomaly present, then the anomaly will need to be resolved before the hours can be approved.

For example:

If no Anomalies or Requests have occurred within the Employees date range, an  Approve  button will be available under the 'Actions' column to approve all hours for that Employee. Also, a check-box will be available to select and use the action 'Approve selected' in the left-hand pane to approve the hours. Using the action 'Approve all' in the left-hand pane, will approve all hours for each Employee in the Group.

Clicking on an Employee ID and name will open the Employee hours approval page, with more information about the Employees hours and Shifts for each individual day. For example:

Any days with outstanding Anomalies for an Employee need to be resolved in order for the hours to be approved. The Employees with Anomalies in their data range will be highlighted red with the Status 'Anomalies'. Clicking on the information under the Date column for a particular day will open the Work record page, where a Supervisor with permissions can resolve the Anomaly and save the changes.

Once the anomaly is resolved, the hours can be approved by selecting the  Approve  buttons under the Action column, or by selecting the check-boxes for each row and clicking on 'Approve selected' from the left-hand pane or by using the action 'Approve all' in the left-hand pane to approve all the hours on the Employee hours approval page.

Once approved, the Work record will be locked for the hours that have been approved. Once a Work record is locked, an Employee will be unable to make any changes or request any changes to their Work record, unless they have special permissions. A Supervisor has the ability to unlock a Work record by either clicking  Unapprove  to unapprove the hours or if they have Show Unlock WR button enabled in Win T&A > System > Maintain Users > Profiles > Select Profile > Modify > General options they will have an additional option called Unlock in the left-hand pane of the Work record to unlock it for editing.

Note: Supervisor can still edit locked Work records if 'Edit locked work records' has been selected in their T&A User profile in Win T&A > System > Maintain users > T&A User profile > T&A > Clock card.

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Hours approval review mode
