Change Culture

Sam Bright Updated by Sam Bright

In T&A 8, a feature called Globalisation allows the language (phrases or text), date, time and currency formats which are displayed in the user-interface to be changed. This is also known as the Culture.

If your T&A system has been set up to support multiple languages (or Cultures), you can select which to use. This is called the Active language in T&A. The languages available for selection are defined by your system administrator or a Supervisor.

The option to change the Active language is available from the Login page:

This option is also accessed from the drop-down Header pane; click T&A on the header of the Dashboard and other pages in T&A after logging in and select Active language from the drop-down menu.

The Active language page will open. For example:

When you navigate to the Login page for the first time, it is rendered using the Culture defined by your browser. If you wish to change this, select a different language from the drop-down list. In the example English (United Kingdom) is selected.

After selecting a different language from the list, when you click the Login button the new Active language is saved to a cookie on your PC. The cookie language is then used to render the pages in T&A until you change the Active language, for example from the Dashboard.

There is also an 'Auto detect' item in the list. Selecting this item means that the language is derived automatically, i.e. from a cookie, if one exists, or from your browser language. The language can also be defined for you in T&A in your Employee profile. If so, the profile language is used in preference to the browser language but the cookie language takes preference over both.

If you cancel a language change, the original language is used, i.e. date and time formats and language remain unchanged.

Note: the Language drop-down list is not displayed on the login screen if your system does not support multiple languages and the following message is displayed in the Language drop-down list on the Active language page:

The Language drop-down list is also not displayed on the login screen if only one language is available.

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Supervisor Basic Operations
