Dashboard maintenance

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Dashboard maintenance feature is only available to Supervisors with Dashboard maintenance enabled in their T&A user profile.

To access Dashboard maintenance in T&A, select Dashboard maintenance from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. When you first navigate to the Dashboard maintenance page you will see the following message:

The message 'Nothing to display' appears on the page when no tabs have been created.

There are three options available in the left-hand pane:

  • New tab — to create a new tab.
  • Widget maintenance — to create, modify and delete Widgets.
  • Profile maintenance — to add tabs to a profile and customise the Dashboard for a T&A profile.

There are two options available in the right-hand pane:

  • Remove widget — drag and drop a Widget into the bin icon to remove the Widget from the dashboard tab
  • Add widget — a list of available Widgets that can be added to the dashboard by dragging and dropping the Widget into a tab.

Any tabs you create and any widgets you add to them appear on this page. For example:

Note: If no tabs have been created, when you navigate to an Employee Dashboard the default behaviour is to display the menu shortcuts. For example.

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Tab maintenance

Reports widget
