T&A 8.42 General Release

Anil Nagaraju Updated by Anil Nagaraju

Automated Updates & Mobile App API v8.42

We're excited to announce the latest general release of Time & Attendance: Version 8.42!

This release is a crucial step in preparing your system for our highly anticipated mobile app, set to launch by the end of March 2025. By upgrading to v8.42, you'll benefit from resolved issues and improved performance, as well as ensure your system is fully compatible with the extended API capabilities required for the mobile app.

The upcoming mobile app will bring convenience to your workforce, offering on-the-go access to features such as:

  • Viewing current and upcoming shifts
  • Clocking in and out
  • Viewing daily, weekly and monthly schedules

Key updates in Version 8.42

The following fixes are included in this release to improve your experience with Time & Attendance:



Resolution Notes


Error Occurs When Deleting Work Record in Web

The issue causing the error when attempting to delete a work record in the web application has been identified and resolved.


Anomaly Widget Count Excludes "Today" in Web Version

The issue where the Anomaly widget count did not include "today" on the web has been identified and resolved. The bug was caused by a date range filter that excluded the current day from the count.


Deletion request of an Emergency Contact shows an incorrect employee within the Summary of HR Request.

Deletion requests details are no longer affected by employee selection.


Whitelist of file extensions is incorrectly case-sensitive.

Updated the file extension whitelist validation to perform a case-insensitive comparison, ensuring consistent acceptance of extensions regardless of cas


System returns a 500 error when adding a code and description exceeding the allowed lookup limit.

Implemented validation to check the length of the code and description against the lookup definition, ensuring they are within the allowed limit and displaying an appropriate error message if exceeded.


When employees and users log in via SSO on the web, the LASTACCESSDATE and PREVIOUSACCESSDATE fields in the TMSTMS and USERS tables are not updating.

Last active details are now being stored for employees and users logging in with SAML.

How to gain access to the mobile app

To access the OneAdvanced People mobile app, the following requirements must be met:

  • Upgrade to Version 8.42: Ensure your system is running the latest version of Time & Attendance to enable compatibility with the app.
  • Cloud hosting: The mobile app will only be available if you're on our cloud-based solution and have accepted our new Terms & Conditions.
  • Identity: Your system must be set up with our Identity capability, providing secure access via single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA).

For detailed instructions on how to upgrade to Version 8.42, please refer to our Upgrade Guide. If you have any questions, our Customer Support team is ready to assist.

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T&A 8 General Release
