Group absence profile (Supervisor)

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Group absence profile allows you to view all the absences recorded and Worked hours for a selected group of Employees. The past and future absences for any week, month or year can be viewed in a calendar format.

By default, the page opens displaying the year layout of the Group absence profile for the Employees in the Group you selected from the drop-down list at the top of the Supervisor Dashboard.

However, if the Preference: Use extended selection has been set in the Selection options (see Selection options for more details) you will be able to use a customised range of Employees in the Group function by clicking on the extended Group drop-down list. See Selecting employees for more details.

To open the Group absence profile, select Group absence profile from the Group menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Supervisor dashboard. A page similar to the following is displayed:

In the example, the absences for the selected 'Accounts' group are displayed for the year 2015. Each month is represented by a row with a numbered cell for each day. Absences are shown as colored bands in the cells, along with one or more letter to represent an Absence code. A scroll bar means more than one Employee is absent on that day.

The layout of the profile and what is displayed on the profile can be changed using the options in the left-hand pane. Worked hours can be displayed for the selected Group on the Group absence profile by selecting the check-box underneath Display options in the left-hand pane. An additional option to display Leave slots will also be available if the Preference has been set to 'Show leave slots' in the Group absence profile. See Absence profile and Calendar options for more details.

Click on a day in the profile to display options for that day in the right hand Details pane. See Calendar details for more details.

Note: options to book an absence or offer/request a shift change for a selected Employee on the selected days will only be available using the Group absence profile as an Employee function, or by displaying the Group view absence profile as a grid.

Supervisor will be able to view, accept or decline any Pending Requests by selecting the day they are present in and selecting an option from the right-hand Details pane.

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