Message frequency options

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Scheduled messages allows you to set messages to be sent either at a fixed time in the future, or on a recurring schedule. On the Create message page or the Modify message page is a section called Message frequency which allows you to set the following frequencies:


Choosing One time displays the options for sending a message once, letting you choose a Date and Time. For example:

Note: setting the date and time to the past will immediately send the message.


Selecting Daily displays the options for sending a message on a daily schedule. For example:

Use Schedule frequency (days) to control how many days pass between sending the message (default of one means send every day). The Daily Frequency option controls when the message is sent during the day and can be set to be sent once at a Specific time (the default value), or choose Minute or Hour to send it at regular intervals through the day, from a specified starting time to ending time. The Start date and End date controls when the schedule should begin, and how long it should continue for. If No end date is selected, the message will continue to be sent until someone disables it.


The Weekly option allows messages to be sent on a weekly schedule. For example:

Use Weekly schedule frequency (days) to choose how many days pass between the schedule running, and select any days on which you want messages to be sent. The Daily Frequency option allows you to control when during the day the message is sent, in the same way as for the Daily schedule, allowing you to specify a start date and end date.


The Monthly option allows you to send messages out on a monthly schedule. For example:

The Monthly schedule frequency option lets you control which day in the month the message is sent: either specify a day numerically (as shown above) or use one of the First, Second, Third, Fourth or Last options to send on a specific day of a specific week of the month (the first Monday, the third Thursday, etc). The Daily Frequency and date/time options operate the same way as described in the Daily and Monthly sections earlier.

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