Locking and unlocking an employee's account

Karishma Updated by Karishma

It is possible to control Employees' access to their accounts by either Locking or Unlocking them, which can be done on the Employee Password page. Locking an Employee's account means that, even when using the correct password, Employee's will not be able to log into their T&A account.

To Lock an Employee's account from the Employee Password page, first, select the desired Employee, using the arrows in the header-pane to toggle through the options, then select the Lock account Action button from the left-hand pane. When this has been done successfully, you will see a green success message at the top of the page:

If the selected Employee now attempts to log into the system, they will receive the following generic error message:

To Unlock an Employee's account, simply select Unlock account from the left-hand pane. The following success message will be displayed upon the completion of this action:

The Employee will now be able to log in to their account, using their usual password.

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