
Clockings Panel

Karishma Updated by Karishma


The Clockings panel is accessed from the Edit button or by clicking on the day of your Work record in your Clock card. The number of Clockings made in the day is displayed in the Clockings panel header. Click the header to expand the panel.

The panel displays details of any Clockings you made during the day with each displayed in a separate row. The following example shows three Clockings for the day:

The information displayed may include:

  • The type of clocking: T&A   IN   or   OUT   or TAS   TAS  
  • The time and date of the clocking, for example '09:15 15/09/2015'
  • Any Keyed code value(s) such as a T&A Absence or Worked hours code for the clocking. These are shown with an orange background. The previous example shows  Keyed code: BH  (for basic hours)
  • One or more TAS category values for TAS clockings. These are highlighted with a blue background. The previous example shows a TAS category value of  Department: Admin   

If you are allowed to edit your clockings, there are four actions available from this panel: Add new clockingViewModify and Delete.

Note: Any changes you make to your Clockings will not be reflected in the Worked hoursAbsence hours or Hours bands panels. You need to update these separately if required.

Add a clocking

To add a new clocking to a Work record, expand the Clockings panel in the relevant Work record and click the Add new clocking button. The Add new clocking page opens. For example:

Note: The fields displayed may differ from those in the previous example and are only displayed if you are permitted to edit them. Example fields include:

  • Type — select from T&A or TAS. T&A is selected by default. Selecting TAS displays additional fields for recording TAS category values at the bottom of the page
  • Direction — only displayed for T&A Clockings. Select from 'In', 'Out' and 'None'. Selecting 'None' forces the system to decide based on previously made Clockings
  • Date — the date of the Clocking. The current date is displayed by default. You can only change the date if the Work record spans multiple days, typically for a night shift
  • Time — the time of the Clocking. The current time or the start of the day is displayed by default
  • Latitude — the latitude to describe the location of the Clocking
  • Longitude — the longitude to describe the location of the Clocking
  • TAS category — one or more TAS categories for TAS clockings. Only displayed when you select TAS as the Clocking type

Select or enter the relevant details then click  Submit  and return to the Edit work record page, or click Cancel to discard your changes. Any changes you make are highlighted with a  Draft  tag. The following example shows a new TAS clocking added to a Work record:

The row for the new Clocking includes a map location. This is only created if you entered values for the Latitude and Longitude fields. Click on the Clocking to open the Modify clocking page and click on Location at the bottom of the pop-up to open a static map of the location. 

To add the new Clocking, click Submit in the left-hand navigation pane or click Cancel to discard the addition and return to your Clock card.

Note: Any change you make to your Clockings may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a RequestWork records and any fields with requested data changes are highlighted with a  Request  tag.

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