Visitor booking search

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Visitor booking feature includes a search action to allow you to find any visitor bookings you have made. Select Search for visitor from the left-hand navigation pane to open the Search for visitor page. For example:

The required search criteria are pre-populated:

  • Badge issued — has a badge been issued for the visitor? Select from 'Yes', 'No' or 'Either'. 'Either' is set as the default

You can narrow your search by entering details in the optional First names, Surname, Company, Car registration, Arrival dates and Expiry dates fields.

When you have entered and/or selected your search criteria, click  Search  to display the search results page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to return to the Visitor bookings page or Clear search from the left-hand navigation pane to remove your search criteria from the page.

After clicking Search, the Visitor booking search result page will be displayed. The page shows the details of all bookings which match your search criteria.

If the search does not find any matching visitor bookings, a 'Nothing to display' message is displayed instead:

Actions available from the left-hand navigation pane are:

  • Add new visitor — to record the details for a new visitor booking.
  • Search — to display the Visitor booking search page.

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Visitor booking

Visitor badges
