

Karishma Updated by Karishma


Payslips allows Employees to view a list of their uploaded payslips securely in T&A. If they have permission, Employees are also able to view their payslip details online, download a PDF copy of their payslip and delete payslips from T&A.

You can access the Payslips feature from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

When you navigate to the Payslips page you will be prompted to enter your T&A login password. This ensures only you have access to your uploaded payslips. For example:

Note: for security reasons, a Preference set by your system administrator will log you out of Payslips if you have been in-active for a certain amount of time. The default amount of time is 1 minute of inactivity before you are prompted to re-enter your T&A login password.

Enter your T&A login password and click  Login . You will be taken to the Payslips page with a list of your uploaded payslips. For example:

An information message will appear at the top of the page with details of when you last accessed the Payslips page. If the information details a time you did not access your payslips, please contact your system administrator as someone may have access to your T&A account.

All available payslips have been uploaded by your Supervisor. Your Supervisor only has permission to upload your payslips, view a list of uploaded payslips and delete uploaded payslips. Supervisors do NOT have permission to view your payslips.

Each row contains a payslip with information about the payslips Tax yearPeriod type and Period number. The list of uploaded payslips available to you are displayed for the current Tax year. To navigate to the next or previous Tax years, use the navigational arrows in the top right corner of the page. If you have permission, the check-boxes are used to select which payslips you want to delete.

If your Supervisor has uploaded a payslip as a PDF, when you click on the tax year of the payslip you will be prompted to download the PDF to your PC. If your Supervisor has uploaded a payslip that can be viewed online, clicking on the tax year of the payslip will open up a new page displaying your payslip. If your Supervisor has uploaded your payslip as both a PDF and Online, you will have an additional option to download the payslip as a PDF when viewing your payslip.

If you download a PDF payslip, the resulting file is separate from the T&A system and is no longer covered by its encryption. Therefore, if you choose to download your payslips you will assume full responsibility for ensuring that any of your confidential pay details are protected.

Secure data channel

Payslips requires a secure data channel. This can be set up by your system administrator. If you do not have a secure data channel, you will not have access to the Payslips feature and the following error message will occur when you log in:

If you see this error message please contact your system administrator.

Click Close to return to the Dashboard

Viewing a Payslip

To view a payslip in T&A, first navigate to the Payslips page, login using your T&A password and click on the Tax year of the payslip you wish to view online. If your Supervisor uploaded an online payslip, the details of the payslip will open in a new page. For example:

Your payslip will be displayed as an 'E-Payslip' under a title that contains the Tax year and Pay period of your payslip. An additional option in the left-hand pane to 'Download as PDF' will be available if the payslip was uploaded as both a PDF and Online or a Preference has been set by your Supervisor to allow you to download Online payslips as PDF. Clicking on this action will bring up a prompt to download the PDF to your PC.

If you download a PDF payslip, the resulting file is separate from the T&A system and is no longer covered by its encryption. Therefore, if you choose to download your payslips you will assume full responsibility for ensuring that any of your confidential pay details are protected.
XML Payslips and P60’s viewed in T&A 8 use a template that complies with the layout supplied by the HMRC for the current tax year. These templates may differ from PDFs that are supplied by your organisation.”

Click Close to return to the Payslips page.

Note: a Preference has to be set by your Supervisor to enable you to view your uploaded payslips online.

Deleting a Payslip

If you have permission, to delete selected payslip(s), first navigate to the Payslips page, login using your T&A password and select the check-boxes in the rows of the payslips you wish to delete. Once your payslip(s) have been selected, click 'Delete selected' in the left-hand pane. A new confirmation page will open. For example:

Click  Delete  to permanently remove the selected payslip(s) from T&A and return to the updated Payslips page with a success message at the top of the page:

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the deletion and return to the Payslips page.

Note: a Preference has to be set by your Supervisor to enable you to delete your uploaded payslips.

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