Employee passwords

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The T&A password and user name provides access to the system. As with all passwords you are advised to keep your T&A password secret and change it periodically. The Employee password page is accessed from the drop-down Header pane (click T&A in the header), and also from the Menu Widget, which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

Click Employee password to open the Employee password page, which can be used to change or reset your Employees' passwords. The page is divided into two sections, with the left-hand pane displaying possible Actions and the main page providing you with the appropriate fields for entering a new password. At the top of the page, you can toggle through the available Employees in order to choose whose password you would like to change or reset:

As a Supervisor, you may not have been granted (or may not wish to have) the permission to enter a new password for Employees, due to security reasons. There is a Preference in order to determine whether or not Supervisors have this permission, which by default will be ticked to allow Supervisors to enter new passwords for Employees.

If you wish to remove this permission, navigate to the System Preferences section of the system, then select Login:

At the bottom of the Login preferences screen you will see the following option:

Simply remove the tick from the check-box to remove a Supervisor’s permission to enter new passwords for Employees. Once this has been done, when a Supervisor navigates to the Employee password page, they will only have the option to Reset the password, not to enter a new one.

To reset an Employee's password, select Reset password from the left-hand pane. This will trigger a pop-up message, asking you to confirm that you want to continue with the action:

Select Reset password to complete the process, or Cancel to keep the Employee's current password in place. If you choose to Reset an Employee's password, they will receive an email to notify them of the change and the password will be a single-use one, allowing them to choose a new one upon their first login.

Note: Reset password has been removed as of version This has been replaced with the Self-service password reset functionality.

In addition to resetting an Employee's password, you also have the option to enter a new password for them. To do this, enter a value for their new password in both the New password and Confirm password fields. The value you choose for their new password must meet certain criteria or rules which have been defined by your system administrator. Click Password criteria to display the rules, for example:

Click Close to exit the Password criteria pop-up.

Click Submit in the left-hand pane to save the new value. If your new password meets the criteria and the values entered in the New password and Confirm password fields match, a password change success message is displayed and your selected Employee's password is changed. For example:

Note: the Employee will receive an email informing them that their password has been changed, however, the email will not tell them what the new password is. With this in mind, it is important to remember the new password that you set, in order for you to hand it over to them.

Click  Close  to dismiss the message and return to the Dashboard.

The Change Password action will fail for the following reasons:

  • The new password does not meet the password criteria. A message is displayed detailing the problem with your new password, for example:

Note: you can see the password criteria by clicking Password Criteria.
  • The values you enter in the New password and Confirm password fields do not match. A password change mismatch message is displayed, for example:

If you do not wish to change your password, click Cancel. Your current password is unchanged and you are returned to the Dashboard.

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Password Expiry for Employees
