Calendar data types page

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Calendar data types page allows a Supervisor to create custom data types and modify them. To access the Calendar data types page, select Calendar data types from the left-hand pane on the Calendar maintenance page.

When you navigate to the Calendar data types page you will see a list of custom data types if any have been created. For example:

The list contains the Title of the data type, with one per row. Additional options are available in the left-hand pane to Create an AbsenceHours bandsRequest or Work record data type.

Clicking on the Title of a data type will open up the Modify page, where a Supervisor can make any changes to the data type or delete the data type. Below is an example of the Modify page for the data type 'Pending requests':

The 'Pending requests' data type is a Request one, so the fields available for modification are the same fields used to create a Request data type.

Click Submit to save any changes made to the fields and return to the updated Calendar data types page.

The Delete action in the left-hand pane opens a pop-up confirmation message. For example:

Click  Delete  to permanently delete the data type from the system and return to the updated Calendar data types page.

Alternatively, click Cancel to abort the deletion and return to the Modify page.

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Calendar profiles

Calendar maintenance
