TMS Apps

Sam Bright Updated by Sam Bright

The TMS apps page has a link for mobile devices to access the TMS for mobile application in addition to links to download the TMS for Outlook add-in windows application.


If you have permission, you can access the TMS apps page from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.


The following page will open with a list of links:



Mobile — You can access the TMS for Mobile application by clicking on the Mobile link within your mobile devices browser. TMS for Mobile is a satellite TMS application which runs on a range of platforms and devices. See TMS for Mobile User manual for more details. Currently the supported platforms are:


  • TMS for HTML5 browsers
  • TMS for Android
  • TMS for BlackBerry
  • TMS for iOS
  • TMS for Windows Phone
  • TMS for Outlook


Outlook Addin — The Mitrefinch Outlook Add-in is an Add-in for Microsoft Outlook, which allows you to interact with certain TMS features whilst using Outlook. See the TMS for Outlook User manual for more details. There are two options for downloads:

  • Outlook Addin 32-bit — downloads the Outlook Add-in installer for Microsoft Office 32-bit
  • Outlook Addin 64-bit — downloads the Outlook Add-in installer for Microsoft Office 64-bit


Note: contact your system administrator to find out the version of your Microsoft office installation.


Click Close in the left-hand navigation pane to return to the Dashboard.

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