Availability error

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Under certain circumstances it will not be possible for you add, delete or copy an Availability and an error message will be displayed. These are often caused by restrictions which are defined by your system administrator or they may fail for a variety of reasons such as forgetting to complete mandatory fields. The following are examples of errors you may see.

Cut-off date

If you attempt to add, delete or copy an Availability to a date before a cut-off date set by your system administrator, which by default is the current date, you will see the following warning at the top of the page:

You can either revise the dates or click cancel and return to the previous page.

Selected date range

If you attempt to add, delete or copy an Availability to a date before or after the selected date range, you will see the following warning at the top of the page:

If you attempt to add or delete an Availability and select an active day outside the selected date range, you will see the following warning at the top of the page:

You can either revise the dates or click cancel and return to the previous page.

End time before start time

If you attempt to add or delete an Availability and select an end time before the start time, you will see the following warning at the top of the page:

You can either revise the Start and End times or click cancel and return to the previous page.

End date before start date

If you attempt to add, copy or delete an Availability and select an end date before the start date, you will see the following warning at the top of the page:

You can either revise the Start and End dates or click cancel and return to the previous page.

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Supervisor Availability
