Enrolling Employees with Enroller

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Employee enrolment records employee fingerprint templates for use with the clocking system.

Note: You must add the employee to T&A before enrolling them.

The Enroller displays a list of all employees visible to the logged-in user. Select the employee you want to enrol from the list.

Select the enrolment options from the drop-down menus:

Finger – The finger the employee will use for clocking.

Index – Main or Alternate. Each employee must record a Main finger for clocking. Alternate finger templates are an optional feature. If an employee damages their Main finger, they can still clock using the Alternate finger.

Click Start Enrolment. The user must present their finger when the sensor on top of the biometric device lights up. The employee must present their finger three times, and lift it each time the light goes out.

Enroller rates the template out of five and gives you the options to Save, Reject or Retry.

Click Save to store the template and complete the enrolment process.

Click Reject to discard the template and cancel the enrolment process.

Click Retry to discard the template and start the enrolment again.

Note: Aim for a score of three or higher to ensure an accurate template.

Note: You can deactivate the visual representation of the fingerprint in T&A. The option is under System Preferences > Biometric > Display fingerprint image.

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Verifying a user template
