
Clock card

Karishma Updated by Karishma


The T&A Clock card feature is a record of your clockings and Work records. If the Clock card feature has been enabled for you, you can access it by selecting Clock card from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.

The Clock card page opens displaying a summary of your daily Work records for the current week, by default, with each Work record in a separate row. The following shows the Clock card page for

an Employee for the week commencing 14th September 2015:

Note: your organisation might not use weekly time intervals for the Clock card. If Pay periods are used instead, your Clock card will contain one row for each day in the Pay period.

The information displayed for each row or Work record includes the day and date of the Work record. Any days containing unchecked anomalies are highlighted in red. In the example above, the work record for 'Thu 17-09-2015' contains an Anomaly.

You may also see columns containing additional information and two containing coloured tags. These are defined by your system administrator and so your Clock card may look different from the examples shown here. The previous example includes columns labelled 'Anomalies', 'Shift', 'Clockings' containing coloured tags, 'Worked hours' containing coloured tags, 'Abs code', 'Absence hrs' and a 'Checked' column.

The Clock card page is similar to the Anomalies page, if you have access, you are able to change and update the Work record of an Employee by clicking on certain information in the row which will open up a pop-up to make any amendments to the Work record or you can drag and drop Hours codes to modify a Work record. Any information that has been changed will create a  Draft  that needs to be approved by the Supervisor. Once the draft is submitted, it will generate a Request.

Below the Work record rows you may see a Totals row. This shows the sum of the hours in individual Work records. Totals are only displayed for hours columns such as the 'Worked hours' and 'Abs hours' columns in the previous example.

Note: your system administrator defines what information is included within your Clock card and what you have access to. Your Clock card may be different from the example used here.

Clock card actions

Clock card actions are available from the left-hand navigation pane. For example:

Note: Depending on which features have been enabled for you, you may or may not see the following actions: Unused clockingsInsert day and Additional details.

  • Unused clockings — this action opens the Recent clockings page showing the clockings you have made that are not yet associated with a Work record. These are clockings that have not been Processed and so do not appear in your Clock card. Typically this is any clockings you have made today.
  • Insert work record — opens a pop-up to insert a new work record. You may need to do this if, for example, you are working a weekend shift when you normally do not.
  • Additional details — this action opens a pop-up window displaying the name of your Roster, the number of hours you are rostered to work and the number of hours of paid and unpaid absences you have taken in the currently displayed week or period. For example:

Clock card anomalies

Work records containing Anomalies are highlighted with a red background and a tag indicating the type of Anomaly. An Anomaly is any clocking that T&A regards as irregular or non-standard and any missed clocking. Examples include: clocking in late, forgetting to make a T&A clocking or if you are absent for all or part of a Shift. If the Work record contains more than one anomaly, the tags appear side by side. For example:

Clock card columns

The Day, Date and Anomalies columns are always displayed on your Clock card but you may also see the following columns:

  • Shift — the shift that you worked on a particular day
  • Reason — a reason for making a change to a Work record
  • Additional hours — the additional Worked hours codes displayed as tags if Hour code categories such as BH (Basic hours) and OT (Overtime hours) are not displayed as individual columns
  • Additional absence — the additional Absence hours codes displayed as tags if Hour code categories such as E (Early leaving) and L (Lateness) are not displayed as individual columns
  • Abs hrs — the sum of any absences you have taken under all Absence codes or categories such as H (Holiday) and L (Lateness)
  • Worked hours codes — the number of hours worked under an individual Worked hours code or category
  • Absence hours codes — may be individual Hour codes or may be labelled 'Abs code', the number of hours of absence you have taken for an individual Absence code or category
  • Flex: Daily — your daily Flex balance as a positive (+) or negative (-) number of hours. Only applies if you are a Flex employee
  • Flex: Running — your cumulative Flex balance. Only applies if you are a Flex employee
  • Checked — a check-box which is selected if any changes you have made to your Clock card have been approved

Possible columns with coloured tags include:

  • Clockings — displays the times of either two or four of the clockings you made in the day. Hover your cursor over the clockings to reveal a full list for the day. Clockings tags are:
    • T&A 'In' clockings e.g.  09:00   
    • T&A 'Out' clockings e.g.  17:00 
    • TAS clockings e.g.  13:00 

For example:

  • Basic hours e.g.  BH 08:00 
  • Overtime e.g.  OT1 00:30 

For example:

  • Additional absence — displays colour coded tags for hours of absence with individual Absence codes or categories. Examples might include:
    • Lateness e.g.  L 00:15 
    • Company business e.g.  CB 00:30 
    For example:

  • Additional payments — displays any specialised forms of payment you have received such as expenses, for example:
    • Expenses e.g.  EXPENSES 35:45 
    For example:

Clock card date range

When you open your Clock card a summary of your Work records for the current week is displayed by default. You can view your Work records for other weeks with the display options at the top-right of the page. For example:

Click the navigational arrows to show your Clock card for the previous or next date range. You can also edit the date manually so that the Clock card shows your Work records starting from the selected date by selecting the calendar icon to open the date picker pop-up. For example:

In the date picker, enter a date (in the format dd/mm/yyyy) and click  Submit  to refresh the Clock card page to display from the inputted date. The previous example displays the Clock card with Work records for the week commencing September 14th 2015.

If your system has been set up to use Pay periods, the Clock card displays a summary of your Work records for each day in the Pay period and the display options change to allow you to navigate between different Pay periods either by using the navigational arrows or the options in the drop-down list. For example:

Clock card requests

Any change you make to your Clock card may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a RequestWork records with Requests are highlighted with a  Request  tag next to the Day column. The Edit work record button in the first column changes to 'View request'. For example:

  • View request — select this option to open the Request details page for more information with the options to delete the Request or modify the Request to make changes to the Work record before the Request is approved by your Supervisor.

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Work record
