How to Change the Name Displayed on the Terminal

Here are the steps to change the name displayed on the Terminals.

The number of times that you will need to do this is dependent on how many different configuration files you have in use with the Terminals.

It may only be ONE configuration file, or it may be many.

  • From WINTMS
  • Go to Launch> Site Planer
  • Then from EACH Terminal> Right Click> Details.
  • This will open the Terminal Details Panel.
  • Go to the bottom section of the panel where t show the name of the Configuration File for the Terminal> Click on EDIT
  • The Configuration panel will now open.
  • Click on the Configuration from the Menu Bar and select Terminal Messages

Then on the Terminal Display Message screen, select the Idle Message line and change the Name that displays on the Terminal.

Then make sure that you CLOSE and Save EACH Step, going out.Repeat this process from each Configuration File.There may be ONE, or there may be a few.

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