Search for a leaver

Karishma Updated by Karishma

To search for a Leaver, first navigate to the Restart employee page from Header Pane and click on the action Find leaver in the left-hand pane. A new page will open to help search for Employees who have previously left the organisation. For example:

Note: two extra fields may be added to the search for a leaver page by your system administrator. If you have permission, go to Win T&A > Find employees > Configure and select the extra fields from the drop down list and click OK to add them to the search for a leaver page.

Fill in the fields with values that are associated with the Leaver(s) you wish to find. You can also search for leavers by leaving the fields blank and it will bring up a full list of all the Leavers.

Click  Clear  in the left-hand pane to empty all fields from any values.

Click  Search  to find a Leaver based on the values within the fields.

Below is an example of searching for the Leaver with Personnel ref '200012':

A list of Leavers will be displayed based on your search criteria. Clicking on their Personal ref will open the Restart employee page with all the Employees previous information populating the fields within the panel and their Start date is updated to the date they will be restarted. Below is an example of '200012' Restart employee page:

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