Calendar maintenance

Karishma Updated by Karishma

The Calendar maintenance page is only available to Supervisors with Calendar maintenance (Web only) enabled in their T&A User profile.

The Calendar maintenance page allows a Supervisor to create new calendars to display different data types, link a calendar to a User profile and create custom data types to use in a calendar.

To open the Calendar maintenance page, select Calendar maintenance from the System menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed by a Supervisor from the Calendars or Group calendars page by clicking Calendar maintenance in the left-hand pane. A page similar to the following is opened:

Note: if no calendars have been created the message 'nothing to display' will appear at the top of the page.

The page contains a list of calendars that have been created for the Calendar feature, with one calendar per row. The name of the calendar is under the column Calendar title and the data type(s) the calendar will display are under the Data type column. The calendars will be available to the associated Employee or Supervisor User profile(s) under the column User profile.

NoteUser profiles are defined by your system administrator and by Supervisors with Maintain users enabled in their User profiles.

Under the Action column is the Delete action which opens a pop-up to confirm the deletion of the selected calendar. Click  Delete  to delete the calendar and return to the updated Calendar maintenance page or click cancel to abort the deletion process.

Clicking on any of the information for a calendar under Calendar titleData type or User profile will open the Modify page which allows a Supervisor to make changes to a calendar. The fields available for modification on this page are the same fields on the Create calendar page.

A number of actions are available in the left-hand pane:

  • Create calendar — opens the Create calendar page with fields to enter and select information to create a calendar.
  • Calendar profiles — opens the Calendar profiles page with a list of User profiles and what calendars are linked to them.
  • Calendar data types — opens the Calendar data types page with a list of data types that have been created and actions to create a new custom data type.

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