Supervisor Access to Reports

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Report access is controlled by the Profile a user is assigned to. To assign reports to a profile from Advanced T&A navigate to System > Maintain users

Click Profiles. Highlight the profile to amend and click Modify. Click builder button next to TMS/.NET reports within the TMS box: 

Move across to the Selected side all reports the users on the profile should have access to: 

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Click OK and OK again to save. 

Reports access can also be controlled via Web. Click the Time & Attendance drop down at the top left and type Reports into the Search

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Click the Reports option. Then click the Report profiles option on the left-hand side: 

 A list of user profiles is displayed. To assign reports to a profile click the Reports set against the profile you’d like to amend: 

Add all Reports to the list that the profile should have access to. To build the list click in the white space below any existing entry and then choose a report from the list. Repeat until all reports are in the list:

Click Submit to save. 

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Reports overview

Default Reports
