View Request

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Further details of a Request are available from the Request list page by clicking on the Type or Description of a Request. An example below is more information about an Absence request:

Additional options are available within the details page. A Requests status can be changed by using the drop-down list in the Status field and selecting a new Status. An additional non-mandatory option is available to add a comment to the status change to give the Employee a reason for the decision. Click  Submit  to change the Status of the Request and to return to the updated Request list page with a success message appearing at the top of the page.

Note: Supervisors are unable to modify or delete a Request, only the Employee who generated the Request have permission to do so

Additional actions are available for an absence Request in the left-hand pane:

  • Group absence list — opens a new page with a list of all Employees from the selected Group who have a Planned absence occurring on the same day as the selected Employees absence Request.
  • History — will be available when a Request requires authorisation from two or more Supervisors and has been partially authorised or amended. Clicking on the action will open up a new page with information about the progress of the Request and who has authorised it. For example, the Absence request from above has been accepted by one Supervisor and requires another level of authorisation:

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Requests list
