T&A - European Working Time Directive Features

The T&A Report Writer has a number of standard reports which are used to check that employees' work patterns comply with the EWTD. Please refer to the T&A User Guide, Chapter 21, for details on the directives upon which these new reporting features are based, although you should be aware that the directives are subject to change over time. 

There are four pre-defined reports included in all Report Writer systems, and you can also create your own reports using the EWTD fields and functions in the same way as any other reports are created. 

9.1 EWTD pre-defined reports 

To produce accurate EWTD reports there are certain features within T&A which you must set up: 

  • You must specify each hours category that is to count towards EWTD calculations. Open the System menu, go to Hours categories, and select either Worked hours or Absence hours. Then click the Modify button when the appropriate category is selected, and tick the EWTD Worked box. 
  • On the Employee details form, each employee who is to be included in the EWTD must have the Apply WTD box ticked. Those who are regarded as night-workers must also have the Night worker box ticked. 
  • Also on the Employee details form, the EWTD year start and EWTD entitlement must be filled in (see T&A User Guide for details). 

The pre-defined reports that are available on T&A are: 

9.1.1 Average Hours report (ewtd48) 

This displays the average number of hours employees have worked in a week. By default, the report is run over a 17 week period, but a different period can be used if required. The period length is set by the parameter in the column whose definition is EWTDAVG48[x], where x is the number of weeks in the period. 

9 European Working Time Directive Features  

To change this, change the definition from EWTDAVG48[17] to whatever length you need. So, for example, if you need to run a report on employees' worked hours over a period of 15 weeks, simply alter the column definition to EWTDAVG48[15]

This formula is used to calculate the average hours worked for EWTD: 

    total number of HOURS WORKED by the employee during the reference period 

(with reference period extended by the number of any days of leave, sickness or maternity) 


the number of weeks in the period 


You must have marked the categories which represent worked time in the manner described above, using the EWTD Worked box. 

The selection expression of this report is set to include only those employees for whom Apply WTD is ticked in T&A. 

9.1.2 Night Work report (ewtdnite) 

This is similar to the above report, but is only applicable to those marked as night-workers. It uses the employee's roster to calculate the average number of hours worked by the night-worker. 

The function used is EWTDNIGHT[x], where x is the number of weeks in the period. Again, by default this is a period of 17 weeks, but this can be altered by changing the parameter in the column definition. 

The selection expression only includes employees who are included in the WTD, and who are defined as night-workers. 

9.1.3 Check Sufficient Breaks report (ewtdbrks) 

This report shows which employees have not taken sufficient breaks over a specified period (again, 17 weeks by default).  

The columns are set up like this: 

The parameters for the function EWTDERRMSG[x, y] are as follows: x = the number of weeks in the reference period 

y = the number of the test being run - there are three tests, each of which will be performed in this example: 

  1. = check 11 hour breaks (i.e., the employee has rest periods of no less than 11 consecutive hours in every 24 hour period) 
  2. = check 1 uninterrupted rest day in 7 days (i.e., rest periods of no less than 24 hours in every 7 day period) 
  3. = check 2 uninterrupted rest days in 14 days (i.e., an uninterrupted period of 48 hours in every 14 day period) 

The selection expression is EWTDANYERR[17]='Y'. This means that only employees whose work pattern fails any of these tests will be shown on the report. An error message will display in the appropriate column for the test which has failed. 

9.1.4 Minimum Holidays report (ewtdhol) 

This report displays any employees who have taken less holidays than the minimum they are required to take. The minimum value is whichever value is entered as the EWTD entitlement in Employee details, but also depends on the EWTD year start date (so, for example, if the EWTD year start date is six months ago, the minimum holiday value is half the EWTD entitlement). 

The selection expression means that the report will only show employees who have failed the test. 

9 European Working Time Directive Features

9.2 EWTD employee fields and functions 

The following fields and functions, which are used in the reports outlined above, can also be used in any custom reports if required. They are in the T&A employee details table, meaning that they have a prefix of T&A. 





Are the EWTD rules applied to this employee? 



This returns a 'Y' if any of the 

three EWTDERRMSG tests 

have failed, or a 'N' if there are no problems. 


The number of weeks in the reference period (e.g. 17) 



Average number of worked hours per week 

A number of weeks for the reference period (e.g. 17) 


This returns a string giving any 

dates when the 'check sufficient breaks' test has failed, or a message confirming that there are no problem shifts. 

1= the number of weeks in the reference period 

2= the number of the test to run. There are three tests: 1 (check 

11 hour breaks), 2 (check for 1 uninterrupted rest day in 7 day period), 3 (check 2 uninterrupted rest days in 14 day period) 



This returns the percentage of holidays an employee should have taken so far that holiday year. The minimum number of holidays that an employee is 


required to take is specified in the Entitlements section on the Main employee details form of T&A. 


Average number of worked hours per week for employees marked as night workers 

A number of weeks for the reference period (e.g. 17) 


This returns the EWTD entitlement value as specified on the Employee details form of T&A. 



This returns the date given in the T&A Employee details form for the start date of the 

EWTD year for entitlements. 



Is the employee classified as a night worker? 





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