Errors adding documents

Karishma Updated by Karishma

Adding a new document to T&A may fail for a variety of reasons such as forgetting to complete mandatory fields. The following are examples of errors you may see.

Invalid document name

You will not be able to add a document if the value for the Name field contains spaces. A Name must not contain spaces error message is displayed when you click   Submit. For example:

Edit the Name field to remove any spaces before proceeding.

If the value for the Name field is longer or shorter than a predefined length, typically between 1-10 characters. Clicking   Submit   when the name is too long refreshes the page and the Name field is highlighted to indicate the problem. For example:

Enter a shorter name to proceed.

Missing mandatory field values

You will not be able to add a document if you have not entered or selected values for all required fields. Clicking   Submit   with empty fields refreshes the page and any missing information is highlighted as being required. For example:

Enter or select the missing information before proceeding.

No filed selected

If you do not select a file to upload you will not be able to add a document. A Select a file to upload error message is displayed when you click   Submit  . For example:

Select the file you wish to upload before proceeding.

Document does not match selected type

You will not be able to add a document if you attempt to upload a document of the wrong type. For example uploading an image file when you have selected the Rich Text File type. A File format does not match the selected format error message is displayed when you click   Submit  . For example:

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