
Employee licensing

Karishma Updated by Karishma


The Employee licensing page is only available to Supervisors with Employee type enabled in their T&A user profile.

The Employee licensing page has a number of options that allow you to assign and revoke licences for each Employee.

You can access the Employee licensing page from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Licensing page by selecting Employee licensing from the left-hand pane.

The Employee licensing page will open. For example:

The information displayed is a table containing a list of Employees based on your Group selection.

The columns Personal ref and Employee name contain information to identify the Employee and the succeeding columns contain the default features that need licences. For each Employee row, a check box is situated under every licence. A box that has been selected means that a licence has been assigned for that Employee, for example, all the Employees have an Access control licence assigned to them from the previous example. You can manually assign and revoke licences by selecting the check boxes.

Note: If you are using the check boxes to assign and revoke licences for Employees, use the Apply option in the left-hand pane to save the changes.

The Available row underneath the Employee name states how many licences are available to use. Additionally, the Used row states how many licences have already been assigned.

A search function is also available in the top-right corner of the table. Typing in the Personal ref or the Employee name will automatically refresh the table and display the Employee(s) with the same name or ref.

Clicking on an Employee's name will take you to a new page called Change employee type where you can assign and revoke licences for individual Employees.

There are 4 options available in the left-hand pane:

  • Apply — saves and applies any changes you have made using the check boxes to assign or revoke licences. A message will appear at the top of the page if successful:

  • Display criteria — opens up a new page to select what licences to display on the Employee licensing page.
  • Assign licences — opens a pop-up with a drop-down list to select licences you wish to assign to all the Employees currently selected on the Employee licensing page.
  • Revoke licences — opens a pop-up with a drop-down list to select licences you wish to revoke from all the Employees currently selected on the Employee licensing page.

Supervisors may be notified if available licences drop below a specified amount. This setting can be found in System preferences > System options > Licence warning > Show warning when remaining licence count is fewer than.

A warning appears on the Dashboard if the licence count drops below the specified number.

This preference is set to 5 by default, and can be switched off by setting the number to 0.

Employee licensing display criteria

To select what licences will display in Employee licensing, first navigate to the Employee licensing page then click Display criteria in the left-hand pane. The Display criteria page opens with the default licences already selected . For example:

Use the licence selection box to select what licences to display in the Employee licensing page or click to remove the licence from the selection. Click on the space in the selection box to open a drop-down list for you to select a licence to display. For example:

Two options are available underneath the selection box. Checking the Include visitors check box will display any current visitors in the Employee licensing page. Checking the Include leavers check box will display all the Employees that have left your organisation in the Employee licensing page. Both options will allow you to assign and revoke their licences in the Employee licensing page if they are included to be displayed.

Click Cancel to return to the Employee licensing page or click  Submit  to return to the updated Employee licensing page with your selected criteria included in the table.

When you have selected the criteria to be displayed, a new option will appear in the left-hand pane called Clear search. Clicking on this option will revert the Employee licensing page back to the default licences.

Note: there are no preferences in T&A to define what default licences will appear in Employee licensing.

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Employee license maintenance
