Display options

Karishma Updated by Karishma

There are a number of options available for Supervisors to truncate or filter the Request list and to view the page from different years.

The Requests list can be shortened using the search box in the top-right corner, the list will automatically truncate to only contain the information you enter in the search box.

The navigational arrows available in the top-right hand corner can be used to view the Request list from the next or previous year(s).

The Request list can be filtered by clicking the icon in the top-right of the page. The Filters pop-up will open:

There are two drop-down lists, Request type (see Request types) and Request status (see Request status), which can be used to filter the Requests displayed in the table.

By default, when you first open the list, the table will show All Request types with a Request status of Pending, i.e. all Requests that have not been dealt with.

Request types

Depending on your system, there are up to five Request Types to filter by. These are:

  • Absence — Employee Requests for leave
  • Shift — Employee Shift change Requests. These are generated when an Employee makes a change to a Shift
  • Work record — Employee Requests for changes to Work records. Any change an Employee makes to a Work record will generate a Work record request.
  • HR — Employee HR Requests. A HR Request is generated when an Employee edits their Employee details
  • Shift cover — Employee Shift cover Requests. An Employee can submit a Request to cover another Employee's Shift. This feature needs to be enabled by your system administrator
  • All — all Requests

Request status

The Request status filtering options are: PendingDeclinedAcceptedDeletedFailedAll and Partial.

  • Pending — Requests which are waiting to be accepted/rejected
  • Declined — Employee Requests which have been declined
  • Accepted — Employee Requests which have been accepted
  • Deleted — Employee Requests which have been cancelled by the Employee after submission
  • Failed — Employee Requests which cannot be written to T&A. This is a rare occurrence and may be due to an error in the data. Such Requests are assigned a status of Failed automatically when you attempt to accept them.
  • For advice on dealing with Failed Requests, contact T&A Support Team.
  • All — all Requests
  • Partial — Employee Requests which require approval from more than one person and are only part way through the procedure. For example, your organisation may require Planned absence Requests to be approved first by the Employee's Supervisor, and then by the HR department for full approval. The progress of a Partial Request can be viewed by first selecting the Request and then clicking the History action in the left hand pane. See View request for more details.

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Requests list
